Pavel Durov's 'rogue' life, CEO Telegram, who has just spoken out about the management of Tim Cook

The world is almost unknown where Pavel Durov is staying, and cannot convince investment cooperation. His life is as mysterious as the Telegram application itself.

Pavel Durov is associated with characteristic black wings as a testament to his outstanding personality. From the king of social networks of Russia, the young man has to flee his hometown to settle down in his country, and every few months change his residence once. However, that did not prevent Durov's talent.

Picture 1 of Pavel Durov's 'rogue' life, CEO Telegram, who has just spoken out about the management of Tim Cook
Pavel Durov is a big unknown of the technology world.

Recently, CEO Telegram also dare to sarcasm about how Tim Cook operates because of the delay in the approval of application updates. Previously there were countless "rogue" stories about him as well as the "unlike anyone" way of operating with Telegram.

Picture 2 of Pavel Durov's 'rogue' life, CEO Telegram, who has just spoken out about the management of Tim Cook
Pavel Durov was born in Russia on October 10, 1984.

As of February 2016, Telegram reaches 100 million active people every month, with 15 billion messages and about 350,000 new registered users every day around the world. However, Durov did not call investment capital as much as other companies but built a similar operating method like Wikipedia, which means calling on the community to support money to maintain the service.

Picture 3 of Pavel Durov's 'rogue' life, CEO Telegram, who has just spoken out about the management of Tim Cook
He is very passionate about coding and hacked system interface changes at school to stigmatize the teachers he hates.His brother Nikolai Durov is a famous mathematician and informant, twice champion of student programming.

Pavel Durov is known as "Mark Zuckerberg of Russia" because of the creation of Vkontakte social network when he was 20 years old. At that time, the young man was working frantically in the bedroom of the apartment in St. Peterburg to race with other programmers to build ideas for the birch's first social network after the Facebook craze. He named it Vkontakte (meaning "contact" in Russian) with the interface that looks like Mark Zuckerberg's product.

With the help of his brother Nikolai, Durov developed VK into a $ 3 billion company and remains Europe's largest social network. Because of that, people likened him to "Russia's Zuckerberg".

Picture 4 of Pavel Durov's 'rogue' life, CEO Telegram, who has just spoken out about the management of Tim Cook
Graduating from the Department of Foreign Languages ​​of Saint Petersburg State University in 2006, Durov and his brother created the most famous social network Vkontakte in Russia.At its peak, this service reaches 350 million users.

But unlike Zuck, Durov always shows a rebellious attitude. In December 2011, he woke up when around the whole of security people requested to lock the account of a dissident character. The young man flatly refused, even posting news directly to the social network for the whole of Russia.

In December 2013, under pressure, Durov was forced to sell the remaining shares in VK to billionaire Alisher Usmanov (he holds shares in and currently owns 100% VK). On April 21, 2014, he was fired and then left Russia in silence.

"It's painful," Durov sits in a hotel in London and remembers. "But looking back now, I don't feel regretful at all."

Picture 5 of Pavel Durov's 'rogue' life, CEO Telegram, who has just spoken out about the management of Tim Cook
Pavel Durov earns a lot of money from VK, according to him, that figure is 260 million USD.Pavel Durov is associated with black suits like the character Neo in "The Matrix".

With about $ 300 million in cash in the bank in Denmark, Durov and his brother Nikolai began to rebuild their careers. They bought citizens' passports of St. Island. Kitts in the Caribbean (with a contribution of $ 250,000 to the National Sugar Industry Diversification Fund, an individual may have a passport that allows travel to Europe). After that, both of them devoted themselves to the new company called Telegram.

The project was inspired by the security system for encrypting messages that Durov and his brother used to contact to avoid being monitored. By packing everything into an application, Durov brought to the world a leading security messaging method. Telegram was released in August 2013 without an official announcement.

The direction of "Zuck Russia" is also "sneaky" in order to avoid being followed. He uses up to 3 different phone numbers, but rarely exchanges work over the phone. Telegram was built in a small office in Berlin. But now, company employees work in many different places, mostly they book through and change positions continuously.

Picture 6 of Pavel Durov's 'rogue' life, CEO Telegram, who has just spoken out about the management of Tim Cook
Vkontakte's office is located on the 5th and 6th floors of Singer House, the iconic building in the center of Saint Petersburg.

Explaining this, Durov said that doing so would help the company avoid being attracted to the politics or economy of any country. Telegram is even more noticeable when former NSA employee Edward Snowden revealed the US government's monitoring programs in 2013 targeting high-tech companies, including Facebook, Google and Apple.

In 2014 and 2015, the whole industry focused on encryption. On November 13, 2015, the terrorist attack in Paris scared the world. Some people said that Telegram unintentionally created conditions for ISIS to easily implement its intentions. However, the French intelligence agencies denied it when it said that some activities were planned without using encryption tools. Simply, ISIS chose Telegram as the preferred information transfer application.

On February 17, 2016, Tim Cook refused a federal order asking the company to unlock the iPhone of the San Bernardino terrorist attack to serve the investigation of FDI. It was this event that inspired Mr. Durov to continue pursuing the philosophy of strict compliance with security regulations.

Telegram is also not for sale or for investors. Durov said many well-known venture capital companies from Silicon Valley approached him and offered countless attractive offers. But with the hurt from VK, "Zuck Russia" just wanted to build a small team of close associates.

Each month, Telegram cost Mr. Durov $ 1 million, but this is what he believes "can be under control", but not forever. The CEO is looking for a revenue-driven development for the company by building developers on Telegram's platform and extracting profit commissions.

Picture 7 of Pavel Durov's 'rogue' life, CEO Telegram, who has just spoken out about the management of Tim Cook
In 2011, Durov responded to a request for content control by posting a dog wearing a tongue.The message he sent was clear: "I didn't do what you said."

Picture 8 of Pavel Durov's 'rogue' life, CEO Telegram, who has just spoken out about the management of Tim Cook
In 2013, he was accused of driving a white Mercedes crashing into a police officer in Moscow.However, Durov voiced his refusal and declared himself unable to drive, how to cause an accident.

Picture 9 of Pavel Durov's 'rogue' life, CEO Telegram, who has just spoken out about the management of Tim Cook
Then he took a flight to Pulkovo.

Picture 10 of Pavel Durov's 'rogue' life, CEO Telegram, who has just spoken out about the management of Tim Cook
The Durov brothers made a backup plan to secretly set up a company in Buffalo, New York and put some Vkontakte employees loyal to the US.

Picture 11 of Pavel Durov's 'rogue' life, CEO Telegram, who has just spoken out about the management of Tim Cook
Durov's secret project in New York is Telegram, the absolutely encrypted chat application that avoids tracking.

Picture 12 of Pavel Durov's 'rogue' life, CEO Telegram, who has just spoken out about the management of Tim Cook
Durov spent $ 1 million a month to keep Telegram active and it hasn't created any income for him.

Picture 13 of Pavel Durov's 'rogue' life, CEO Telegram, who has just spoken out about the management of Tim Cook
Pavel Durov moved around the world and he used Airbnb booking service.He changed accommodation every few months .

Update 23 May 2019


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