Why does Telegram founder claim 'WhatsApp will never be safe!'?
That is the comment of founder Telegram Pavel Durov when talking about competitors. Answering the reporter's question about his thoughts on the problems that WhatsApp is having, Mr. Pavel Durov he hesitated to declare that the messaging application owned by Facebook will never achieve safety. as necessary stability.
To prove his 'hostile' contention, Pavel Durov pointed out that hackers can access anything - from photos, emails, texts, etc. on any phone. Do you install WhatsApp application through 'deadly' security holes in this platform. The founder of Telegram even gave an in-depth review of what WhatsApp recently faced - it is a serious vulnerability that could allow hackers to distribute spyware remotely to phones. Smart just by . making a call on WhatsApp application.
Why does Telegram founder claim 'WhatsApp will never be safe!'? Picture 1
- WhatsApp now allows users to control who is allowed to add themselves to the chat group
Mr. Durov said: 'After every time WhatsApp successfully fixes a serious flaw in its application, it seems that a new vulnerability has emerged and even more dangerous'. Mr. Pavel Durov implicitly criticized the opponent as being too passive in responding to security holes.
Besides, Russian technology expert also pointed out that contrary to Telegram, WhatsApp is not an open source platform and therefore, this application never allows security researchers can easily check Check if there are occurrences of backdoors in the code base. Instead of publishing its code base, WhatsApp seems to be deliberately tampering with the app's binary so that no one can study it thoroughly.
Why does Telegram founder claim 'WhatsApp will never be safe!'? Picture 2
- Facebook collapsed globally, Telegram has more than 3 million new users subscribed to the service
To reinforce his thesis, Durov explained that in 2012, when he was in the development project of Telegram, WhatsApp was still conducting text messaging in plain text in the process, and not just hackers or hackers, that even mobile service providers and even Wi-Fi network administrators have access to all such WhatsApp documents.
WhatsApp then added some encryption, however the message decryption key was somehow provided early to government agencies, so they could decode the conversations on WhatsApp. It is very easy, and this seriously affects users' privacy. 'Later, when Telegram began to become popular, WhatsApp founders sold their company to Facebook and stated that user privacy was' something in their DNA'. If that's the case, perhaps it must be a recessive gene sequence, 'satire Pavel Durov.
Why does Telegram founder claim 'WhatsApp will never be safe!'? Picture 3
- Mark Zuckerberg explains the reason for merging Messenger, WhatsApp and Instagram
Commenting on how the end encryption was introduced by WhatsApp in 2016, Pavel Durov said: 'After 3 years, WhatsApp stated that they have implemented terminal encryption to not allow any one. Any third party can access the user's message store. This message is a powerful push for WhatsApp to encourage all its users to accept backing up their conversations in the cloud. But when the plan was implemented, WhatsApp did not tell the user that after the backup, their messages would no longer be protected by terminal encryption and therefore could be hacked. as illegal law enforcement agencies. This is really a 'smart' marketing campaign of WhatsApp '.
Besides, Mr. Durov also said that those who do not support backing up messages on the cloud can still be tracked in many ways. According to boss Telegram, the metadata created by WhatsApp users has actually been leaked and accessed by various agencies in large quantities through the parent company Facebook. That is not to mention the important vulnerabilities related to many different aspects of this online chat platform.
WhatsApp owns a relatively consistent development history. From completely unencrypted use at the beginning to a variety of security issues that are strangely appropriate for surveillance purposes. "Looking back on the past, during WhatsApp's 10-year journey, it doesn't seem like there's even a single day. This app is really a secure platform. That's why I want to but I It is still impossible to believe that the new updates WhatsApp sends to users will make them safer. ', Pavel Durov added.
Why does Telegram founder claim 'WhatsApp will never be safe!'? Picture 4
- Telegram allows you to delete a received message from the sender's device
In his judgment, Mr. Durov also explained why people can't seem to suddenly stop using WhatsApp even if the application is full of security issues, one of the main causes. It is in their friends and family who continue to use WhatsApp. 'We have been pushing to convince people to switch to using a more stable platform, Telegram. And although we have achieved initial success when attracting hundreds of millions of users in the last 5 years, it is not enough. Most internet users are still held hostage by Facebook - WhatsApp - Instagram. In particular, there are many parallel users both Telegram and WhatsApp, which means their phones are still vulnerable to attack. '
Commenting on his' brainchild ', Pavel Durov added:' For nearly 6 years of existence, Telegram has not allowed any data leakage or serious security holes like the case of WhatsApp. In those 6 years, we are confident that we have never disclosed even 1 byte of user data to third parties, while Facebook or WhatsApp has shared a lot of sensitive information related to users of they all know '.
Pavel Durov explained that unlike Facebook, where there was a huge marketing department, Telegram said no to any form of marketing, nor did it want to pay journalists or researchers. to write about this. All will be manually verified by the user.
Why does Telegram founder claim 'WhatsApp will never be safe!'? Picture 5
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That's all the main ideas Telegram's founder commented on his competitor: WhatsApp. Let's wait and see if WhatsApp is able to make responsive statements to protect its reputation. Are you using WhatsApp or Telegram? How do you think about Pavel Durov's view? Leave comments in the comment section below!
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