Effective solution to fix hidden text errors in tables in Word

TipsMake has detailed instructions on how to fix when the text in the table is hidden in Word. Please follow the detailed steps to fix it.

TipsMake has detailed instructions on how to fix when the text in the table is hidden in Word. If you are having a headache about this problem, please follow the detailed instructions on how to fix the error.

Have you ever encountered a situation where the text in a table is hidden in Word ? If you are experiencing this situation, there is no need to worry too much. Like you, there are many Word users facing this situation. So what to do when you encounter this error? Please refer to the information below immediately to handle this annoying error!

Picture 1 of Effective solution to fix hidden text errors in tables in Word

Why are the words in the table hidden in Word? How to solve?

Normally, the situation of hidden text in a Word table rarely happens. This error usually only appears when you copy text from somewhere else and paste it into a table in Word. Due to differences in fonts, sizes, formats. there is a high possibility that the text will be hidden.

Ways to handle when text is obscured in Word tables

Currently, there are two main measures applied when handling text errors in hidden tables in Word. First, we can fix this unpleasant situation with manual operations. Or Word users can also set automatic parameters to fix this error. Below we will detail the steps of these two methods.

1: Fix overflow text errors in Word manually

With the manual method, what we need to do is drag and adjust the width of the table. Make sure the content in the table has enough space to display. To do this, we do the following:

  1. Step 1 : Check to see if your Word editor is showing a ruler bar. This is quite an important step, so pay close attention when doing it. If your Word doesn't show a ruler yet, click on the view tab . Then in the show tab, tick the ruler box to display the ruler bar.
  2. Step 2 : Click on the table with hidden content. At this time , 'move table column' points will appear on the ruler bar . What you need to do now is to hold down these points and drag them to the left. So we can narrow the display size of the data column. In case the table has areas outside the editing area, you can also perform the same steps as above. At this time, the 'move table column' points will also appear on the ruler outside the editing area.

Picture 3 of Effective solution to fix hidden text errors in tables in Word

2: Fix hidden text errors in tables in Word using automatic methods

If you do not want to perform manual operations as instructed above. Try the automatic error correction method that I introduce below. Surely the efficiency will be faster and the table's ratio will not be changed.

  1. Step 1 : Click to select the entire table with hidden content. You can do this by tapping the arrow-shaped plus icon in the top left corner of the table .

Picture 4 of Effective solution to fix hidden text errors in tables in Word

  1. Step 2 : When you click on the table, the table tools section will appear. Now click on the layout tab .
  2. Step 3 : To automatically adjust the width of the table, pay attention to the cell size section . Now if you want to keep the table's proportions and shrink the table to fit the editing frame you are using. Click on the ' Autofix ' icon, there will be 3 options for you.

1: Autofit contents: This option will automatically shrink the table to a width equal to the content in the table.

2: Autofit windows: this option will automatically narrow the table to the same width as your editing window.

3: Fixed column width: This option will adjust the width of the column in the table.

Picture 6 of Effective solution to fix hidden text errors in tables in Word

Depending on usage needs, we will have the most appropriate options. In case you want to adjust the width of the columns in the table to make them equal. Please enter a specific parameter in the width box.

Picture 8 of Effective solution to fix hidden text errors in tables in Word

And above are the information that you may need to use when dealing with the situation of text in a table being hidden in Word . Certainly with the information that TipsMake has just provided. You can fix this error simply and effectively.

Update 09 December 2023


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