• Symbol - Icon in HTML

    Symbol - Icon in HTML
    HTML has many mathematical, technical and monetary symbols that cannot be used to write.
  • Character encoding in HTML (Charset)

    Character encoding in HTML (Charset)
    In order to display a proper HTML page, the web browser needs to know which character set to use (character encoding).
  • Uniform Resource Locators - URL in HTML

    Uniform Resource Locators - URL in HTML
    Uniform Resource Locators - URL is another way of writing a web address. URLs can be made up of letters (quantrimang.com) or Internet protocol addresses (IP ( Most
  • HTML and XHTML

    HTML and XHTML
    XHTML is HTML written in XML language.
  • HTML form

    HTML form
    The form in HTML contains form elements - the element types that take input data such as filling in text fields, checkboxes, buttons, submit buttons ...
  • Elements of the Form in HTML

    Elements of the Form in HTML
    This article introduces all the elements of the form used in HTML.
  • 35 tools, scripts and plugins to build HTML Table

    35 tools, scripts and plugins to build HTML Table
    There are many ways to visualize data, ie you can design a beautiful infographics or create interactive charts. It all depends on your data and how you want to present them.
  • 12 stunning HTML5 templates that web designers should not ignore

    12 stunning HTML5 templates that web designers should not ignore
    There are many free HTML5 templates online and choose one of them that can make it difficult for many people. Therefore, the article scoured the Internet to bring you stunning
  • 5 interesting HTML and CSS features to look forward to in 2018

    5 interesting HTML and CSS features to look forward to in 2018
    Join TipsMake.com to learn about 5 interesting HTML and CSS features to look forward to in 2018!
  • Introduction to HTML

    Introduction to HTML
    A few basic things to know about HTML before starting to learn this language.
  • HTML editing tool

    HTML editing tool
    To learn HTML, it is best to use simple editing tools like Notepad (on PC) or TextEdit (on Mac).
  • Basic examples of HTML

    Basic examples of HTML
    In the previous HTML lesson, you know which tools to use to write HTML code, how to save and open HTML files. This article will give some basic examples of HTML text.
  • Elements in HTML

    Elements in HTML
    The HTML element usually goes in pairs, including the opening tag, closing tag, and the content inside the two tags.
  • Attributes in HTML

    Attributes in HTML
    Properties are used to add information to elements in HTML.
  • Title in HTML

    Title in HTML
    It is very important to use the title to show the text structure. Heading (HTML) in HTML is identified by tags marked from to, of which the most important title is the least
  • Text in HTML

    Text in HTML
    The element in HTML is used to define a paragraph of text.
  • Style properties in HTML

    Style properties in HTML
    The Style attribute specifies the style for the HTML element.
  • Format text in HTML

    Format text in HTML
    Format elements in HTML help determine the style and importance of text.
  • Quote elements in HTML

    Quote elements in HTML
    Quote elements in HTML. The element in HTML is used to define short excerpts. The browser usually inserts quotation marks before and after the element.
  • Caption tags in HTML

    Caption tags in HTML
    The comment tag is used to insert comments into the source code of HTML.