in the final part of this series, we will introduce you to site linking objects, the process of creating replicas between sites and some issues to consider in disaster recovery.

this article will show you how to use system center operations manager to test failover clusters.

windows server backup is one of windows server 2008 / r2's useful features that allows users to easily back up, restore files, data and other important components in the system

in this article series, i will show you how and how to use the lightweight directory service services.

in this second part we will continue the introduction of ad lds service by exploring some of the usable technologies and how to deploy ad lds services.

in this article, i will show you the procedure for creating an appropriate ad lds instance and application directory partition.

in this article, i will continue the discussion by showing you how to create an ad lds instance copy.

in the following article, we will cover some basic operations to configure and set up cisco asa systems with devices based on android, vpn operating system and active directory

in part 2 of this series, i will continue the discussion by showing you some options for domain controller virtualization.

to follow the previous two parts of this series, i will show you the options for domain controller virtualization.

in this article we will show you the advantages and disadvantages of some common domain controller settings.

today april 15, 2011, hp group announced the integration of 3par utility storage system into the product portfolio under hp's converged infrastructure solution, the integration to

in recent years, e-commerce services (e-commerce) such as online payment, ebanking online transactions ... have developed constantly.

attack surface analyzer is a tool released by microsoft that allows users to easily detect sensitive security changes of the windows operating system.

in a conference of it industry leaders in march, it managers expressed their concerns about the security of virtual infrastructure.

in this article we will discuss some of the security mechanisms included in rds along with how to use group policy and configuration settings.

hackers design fake websites to scare internet users to download and install fake antivirus software.

network administration - you can avoid some problems and get the most out of it by following some advice when upgrading the server.

in this article, i will show you the options for controlling processor resources and how to use them.

to back up the database for wordpress, there are many plugins that can help you do this. however, if you are a longtime wordpress user, you will probably realize that the plugins