Search results: screen resolution

what is screen resolution and how to check computer screen resolution in the simplest and easiest way.

there's a lot we don't know about 16k monitors, aside from the fact that they'll have incredible pixel density and benefit super-large tvs.

if you're new to the game or an experienced gamer, one of the first things you'll hear when learning about a game's settings is its resolution.

this article shows you 3 ways to view screen resolution and change your computer screen resolution quickly.

on windows 10, there are some useful options that make it easy to check the resolution of any monitor you're using or connecting to. the way to do it is not complicated at all.

if your screen is too big or too small, you can try setting the resolution manually. let's take a look at how you can change the resolution in ubuntu through the following article!

starting from windows 10 build version 15002, microsoft integrated new display window into the operating system on the settings application. this display window is accompanied by

the big update for the first time this year of windows 10 brings many useful new features.

on windows 7 and windows 8, screen resolution management can be said to be quite simple. by default on windows 10/8/7, you can choose to display display resolution, refresh rate

have you ever felt embarrassed when someone asked about the version of windows you are using? do you know the amount of ram installed on your device? information like this is

new generation ultrabooks will have higher resolution screens, improved 3d, intel haswell chips with up to 10 days of battery life in connected standby mode.

the fact that apple has put a retina display on the macbook can create the best generation of notebooks ever displayed.

4k tvs carry over 8 million pixels. you think that is a lot, but some technologies need more than that.