if you want to review the wifi password you are connected to, most of the applications require the device to be rooted. however, with the wifi wps wpa tester application, you can

every profession or hobby develops its own lingo for dealing with complex ideas in a simple way, and so does the android world.

a system with feedback becomes stable when equations describing that system possess roots that follow certain patterns. otherwise, the system will become unstable. example of such

to 'root' or enable superuser access on android devices, one needs to have a rooting software and a working pc. but what if you don't have a pc? how can you root your android

the 'root' account on a linux computer is the account with full privileges. root access is often necessary for performing commands in linux, especially commands that affect system

this short article will show you how solve 'incorrect password ...try again' error in ubuntu 13.04 raring ringtail. you get this error mostly when you trying to run some software

to run administrative tasks in linux, you must have root (also known as superuser) access. having a separate root account is common in most linux distributions, but ubuntu disables

with the largest number of security patches and vulnerabilities in wireless device support, mac os x operating system seems to no longer extend its championship period. our

if you're a linux user, you've probably heard the phrase 'root'. basically root is the account that has complete control of the entire linux system, which means that when using a

have you ever wondered why some programs in linux are stored under different directories like / bin, / sbin, / usr / bin or / usr / sbin?

in the near future, free and open source software will most likely become an indispensable option for organizations / businesses. with the advantages of open source, easy to

there is a sudo command in ubuntu that allows you to perform any administrative tasks in place of root account permissions. if you use another linux favorite tool and perform any

if you feel too tired because the ad information appears to be going up and takes up a lot of space on the phone screen, you can follow the following ways to 'eliminate' them on

now, i will detail how i hacked the server containing 40 websites.