Search results: command line is a web application that acts as a gui version of windows package manager, helping users find and install applications more easily on an individual basis.

in this article, i will show you how to configure an exchange server for a server by focusing on the mailbox role.

for many of us, using the command line - command line to control and use some of the functions in the windows system will cause them to have headaches and problems. however, if

in this tutorial we will show you 10 basic commands that can be performed on the command line tool in windows 7.

when it comes to investigating malware infections, command-line tools have many benefits, while gui-based tools don't do this.

let's take a look at the advanced uses of the date command in the command line and how to use it in the shell script to perform more functions than simply displaying the time.

as we all know, ubuntu has a lot of tools to support graphic delivery to install software and applications inside the system, but users have to search. however, for those who love

are you using a computer with a processor that supports 64-bit operating system? if so, are you using a 64 bit operating system? most ordinary computer users don't know the

in the following article, will introduce you how to hide data in a text file, ensure safety when no one can find or detect unless they know the exact name of the file

in this article we will talk about powergui, a tool that has been used to create microsoft powershell scripts using the gui interface.

in this article, i will show you how to use the linux command to send mail with a script. in addition, it is the sending of attachments from the command line.

homebrew is the most popular software application manager for mac os x. homebrew cask developed homebrew with support for quick installation of mac applications such as google

managing windows to the cloud also means a command line revival with powershell and bash.