while using the internet, there are many websites that automatically pop up with ads that are extremely annoying. so how to block these websites?

are you annoyed by spam calls and messages from sales, real estate or insurance companies? try blocking spam calls and messages as announced by the information security department,

scratch is a popular visual programming language developed by mit media lab as a children's educational tool. it is available online, with desktop versions available for mac os,

this wikihow teaches you how to block a website on a mac. while there isn't a built-in way to block your own access to a certain website, you can download an app called selfcontrol

do you want to make sure your children are protected from mature content when they use a browser to view content on the internet? configuring parental controls inside of vista is a

blocking certain websites can keep you productive during the workday, or minimize the chance of your child finding adult content. you can create a website 'blacklist' for your mac

how do you block those unwanted websites in your child's mac? the first way that comes into your mind may be using the built-in parental controls. however, you can also find

the use of a number of support utilities such as adblock plus has become quite familiar to most of our users, since no one can withstand too much advertising information that is

facebook has introduced a face detection feature that can search photos through your face and recommend to your friends so they can tag you there. if you don't want to use this

while accessing the network, naturally strange websites appear to be quite annoying, even hidden spyware. computer users can apply blocking methods right in the browser, using the

if you feel too tired because the ad information appears to be going up and takes up a lot of space on the phone screen, you can follow the following ways to 'eliminate' them on