Page numbering in Word 2007, 2010, 2013 and 2016

Page numbering in Word 2007, 2010, 2013, 2016. Page numbering in Word is a necessary job to help you easily manage and search for long Word documents. So how to number pages in Word 2007, 2010, 2013, 2016? Please join us

Page numbering in Word is essential to help you easily manage and search for long Word documents. So how to number pages in Word 2007, 2010, 2013, 2016? Please refer to the tutorial article below.

Picture 1 of Page numbering in Word 2007, 2010, 2013 and 2016

The article shows how to number pages in Word 2016, for Word 2013, 2010, 2007 you do the same.


On the Word document page, select Insert -> Page Number -> select the bookmark location . Word supports you with 4 options:

  1. Top of Page: number the page at the top of the page
  2. Botttom of Page : number the page at the bottom of the page.
  3. Page Margins : page numbering in margins.
  4. Current Position : Numbering the page at the position where the mouse cursor is positioned.

Picture 2 of Page numbering in Word 2007, 2010, 2013 and 2016

In each page numbering position there are different types of page numbering, you just need to select the page numbering position, the styles will be displayed, you choose the page numbering style you want.

For example , you want the page number right at the bottom of the page with page numbering style is Page | 1 you choose Insert -> Page Number -> Bottom of Page -> select the style as shown below.

Picture 3 of Page numbering in Word 2007, 2010, 2013 and 2016

So your text will be paginated according to the position and type of page you choose.

Picture 4 of Page numbering in Word 2007, 2010, 2013 and 2016


If you do not want to number the page from the first page in Word documents but want to number the page from any page in the Word document, you perform the page numbering steps as follows:

Step 1: Page break

For page numbering from any page you need to split the text into two sections, section 1 is the pages that do not want to be paginated (starting from the first page), section 2 is the page from which you want to paginate. out of text. To break the page you put the cursor in the first position of the page you want to start page numbering.

Picture 5 of Page numbering in Word 2007, 2010, 2013 and 2016

Click the Layout tab -> Breaks -> Next Page.

Note: In Word 2016, you select the Layout tab , but for versions of Word lower than 2013, 2010, 2007, the Layout tab will be the Page Layout tab .

Picture 6 of Page numbering in Word 2007, 2010, 2013 and 2016

So you have broken the text into two sections, you double click on the top of the page to start numbering the page will see two different sections.

Picture 7 of Page numbering in Word 2007, 2010, 2013 and 2016

Step 2: Number the page for the text

You choose the Insert tab -> Page Number -> choose the position and type of page number, this time the page number is still from the beginning of the text to the end of the Word document.

Picture 8 of Page numbering in Word 2007, 2010, 2013 and 2016

Step 3: Set the page number

In this step you will set the starting page number for each section, the two sections will be numbered from the number you set. To set the page number you choose Insert -> Page Number -> Format Page Numbers.

Picture 9 of Page numbering in Word 2007, 2010, 2013 and 2016

The Format Page Numbers dialog box appears, select the page numbering style in the Number format box , in the Page numbering section select Start at and enter any number you want to start page numbering of each section (if you want to start from 1 then enter number 1). Click OK to close Format Page Numbers.

Picture 10 of Page numbering in Word 2007, 2010, 2013 and 2016

So you have set the start page number for both sections.

Picture 11 of Page numbering in Word 2007, 2010, 2013 and 2016

Step 4: Disconnect the links between the two sections

To break the link between the two sections, select the Design tab and click to uncheck Link to Previous.

Picture 12 of Page numbering in Word 2007, 2010, 2013 and 2016

Step 5: Delete page number section 1

When you have disconnected the two sections in step 4, this time the two sections are no longer related to each other. Because you want to number the page from any page to the end of the text (that's section 2), you just need to delete the page number in section 1 and keep the page number in section 2. To delete the page number in section 1 you Place your cursor in the page position of any page in section 1 and select Insert -> Page Number -> Remove Page Numbers.

Picture 13 of Page numbering in Word 2007, 2010, 2013 and 2016

Your results will be as follows:

Picture 14 of Page numbering in Word 2007, 2010, 2013 and 2016

Similarly, if you just want to number the page from any page to any page. You just need to split the text into 3 sections, and number the page.

Above is the page numbering in Word 2007, 2010, 2013, 2016 that the article has guided you. You can number the page from the first page or you can also number the page from any page in Word. Hope the article will help you. Good luck!

Update 19 May 2020


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