How to set up website opening time on Chrome

Always Reading is a utility that helps you save any website on Chrome and then open it at a certain time.

You need to open a website at a certain time to work or for other personal purposes on Chrome, then you can use the Always Reading utility, while the browser bookmark feature can only save the website. only

This utility will schedule websites that users want to open at a certain time. If you have not opened any page readings, the utility will also send notifications to users so you know. You do not need to remember the time that the utility will help you open the article in the correct calendar on Chrome. The following article will guide you how to use the utility Always Reading.

  1. How to save web pages to read later on Chrome
  2. How to turn off auto-reloading tabs on Google Chrome
  3. Instructions on how to automatically open a Workbook when you open Excel

How to use the Always Reading utility on Chrome

Step 1:

Click the homepage link of Always Reading to register and authenticate your account. We enter the required information in the registration interface and click the Register button .


Picture 1 of How to set up website opening time on Chrome

Access the email address used to register your account and confirm the information, click Verify your email .

Picture 2 of How to set up website opening time on Chrome

Step 2:

Next, install the Always Reading utility on the Chrome browser according to the link below, click Add to Chrome .

  1. Download the utility Always Reading Chrome

Picture 3 of How to set up website opening time on Chrome

Step 3:

Open an article in the Chrome browser that wants to schedule an opening over time, then click on the utility icon Always Reading at the end of the address bar. When the website is successfully marked you will receive a message like the one below, click Go to AlwaysReading dashboard to go to the management page.

Or you can quickly access the website address below. But first, you must press the utility icon to save the website.


Picture 4 of How to set up website opening time on Chrome

Step 4:

At the management page interface, read waiting lists will display at Reading list . Here you can click the trash can icon to remove the site from the list.

Picture 5 of How to set up website opening time on Chrome

Step 5:

Here the user clicks on Setup your schedule or Schedule to set the time to view the website.

Picture 6 of How to set up website opening time on Chrome

Appearance of time setting interface. Here you can select the date at Select days to receive an article, the time to open at Select time, the time zone to open, We'll send your emails based on the following timezone. Vietnam time zone is Asia / Jakarta. Finally click Update schedule to schedule.

Picture 7 of How to set up website opening time on Chrome

So when the time comes that you have scheduled, the utility will open the website in order in turn, which website will be saved first. However, currently the utility only supports opening web pages in the same scheduled time, not opening different times.

In general, the Always Reading utility has a basic feature of opening web pages on Chrome according to the available scheduling time, although not according to other time frames for each site. You do not need to remember to open any website that Chrome's Always Reading utility will do.

See more:

  1. How to open a website on Google Chrome
  2. How to restore Google Chrome tab on your phone
  3. 2 ways to copy web content without copying

I wish you all success!

Update 25 May 2019


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