How to save files automatically in Adobe Reader?

You are constantly editing PDF files when suddenly you lose power or your computer naturally restarts! You cry badly because the data has not been saved yet, how to handle it? While most of us have a habit of staying after completing the job. To prevent this bad situation from happening, please refer to how to enable the automatic saving of PDF files in our Adobe Reader.

You are plying editing PDF files when suddenly losing power or "natural" computers restarting! You "bad cry laughing" because the data has not been saved, how to handle it? While most of us have a habit of staying after completing the job. To prevent this bad situation from happening, please refer to how to enable the automatic saving of PDF files in our Adobe Reader .

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Step 1 : Open Adobe Reader, on the Edit menu, select Preferences . ( or use Ctrl + K ) to set some options.

Picture 1 of How to save files automatically in Adobe Reader?

Step 2 : When the Preferences window appears, in the Categories section on the left of the screen, select Forms . In the right window in Auto-Complete section , you choose one of 2 modes:

  1. Basic : Basic automatic file saving mode.
  2. Advanced : Advanced automatic file saving mode.

After selecting, click OK to save the setting.

Picture 2 of How to save files automatically in Adobe Reader?

Now you can rest assured that you don't lose data when something happens. This method helps you save a lot of time, save your work while saving and saving as before.

Hope the article will be useful to you!

Update 25 May 2019


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