How to register for TranS online

TranS e-learning also has an interface like Zoom and how to use it as software for online learning, video teaching.

TranS is an online learning software similar to Zoom or other software. The tool brings a teaching interface, creating an online classroom on TranS very simple for teachers to teach and communicate with the classroom. Students participating in a classroom also need to enter the classroom ID to participate. In general, the interface of TranS is not too much different from Zoom, or TeamLink. The following article will guide you how to register and use TranS on your computer.

1. How to register TranS on your computer

Step 1:

Please click on the link below to install TranS software on your computer and then click on Register to create an account.

  1. Download TranS software on the computer :

Picture 1 of How to register for TranS online

At this time display information for users to enter information including:

  1. Email
  2. phone number
  3. Full name
  4. password
  5. Enter the password
  6. What is the purpose of using TranS?
  7. nation

Then check the box Require authentication with users:

  1. Into freedom
  2. Must be logged in
  3. Must register in advance

If it is a fee-for-money teaching center for students to join, click Must register first, and if free, click Must login, Free to enter your own purpose. Finally click Sign up to complete. So you have created a TranS account.

Picture 2 of How to register for TranS online

Note : After registering an account, you need to contact Namviet Company (submit registration on the web) below to receive an email with a link to activate the unlimited use license because otherwise you can only use it After 60 minutes, TranS will shut down. 

Step 2:

You then log in the account TranS has created.

Picture 3 of How to register for TranS online

Step 3:

Then the teachers choose Teachers , or other content to join the classroom on TranS.

Picture 4 of How to register for TranS online

2. Teaching online instruction on TranS

TranS is developed using the same technology platform as Zoom, so you need to install Zoom to use.

Step 1:

Display Join Audio Conference via Mic & Speaker interface to enter the room.

Picture 5 of How to register for TranS online

Step 2:

Now displays the Zoom Meeting ID interface . with the class information as well as the classroom password for teachers to send students to participate. Click the i icon to view information.

Picture 6 of How to register for TranS online

Step 3:

The online learning interface on TranS is the Zoom learning interface, so read the article below to learn on Zoom.

  1. How to use Zoom on computers

Picture 7 of How to register for TranS online

Note Zoom recently updated the interface and provided an additional Security section with options as below to increase security features on Zoom when learning online. Teachers use these options throughout the teaching process.

Picture 8 of How to register for TranS online

3. Study online on TranS

If you are a student, at TranS interface we will click on Students to join.

Picture 9 of How to register for TranS online

You will then be asked to enter your teacher's TranS ID and press Enter to join the teacher's classroom. Note that the teacher has to open the room before the student will be allowed to join.

Picture 10 of How to register for TranS online

The interface of the participants is very simple and does not have the same settings as the teachers. This interface is also the Zoom interface on the computer.

Picture 11 of How to register for TranS online

Update 11 April 2020


Mac OS X



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