How to permanently delete photos on iPhone and iPad

Many people using iPhone and iPad are interested in permanently deleting photos on their devices, but not everyone knows how.

Many people choose to preserve memories by taking pictures on their phones. But the truth is that photos and videos are the data that take up the most storage space on iPhone and iPad.

If you regularly take photos and videos with your iPhone or iPad, you will notice that your device quickly runs out of storage space. Furthermore, there may be many pictures or videos you don't want to see and don't want anyone to see.

Therefore, regularly checking and deleting photo and video data on iPhone and iPad is important and should be done. So how can you permanently delete photos from iPhone and iPad?

How to permanently delete photos on iPhone and iPad

Having too many photos on your iPhone and iPad will make your device run slower and consume more memory. If you want to permanently delete photos but don't know how to do it, you can refer to the steps below:

Step 1: Delete photos from the Photos tab

In fact, this is one of the popular ways to delete photos, but it should be noted that if you only delete photos in the Photo section, the photos cannot be permanently deleted. At this time, deleted photos will be saved in the Album Recently Deleted section. Photos will be saved here for 30 days from the date of deletion, after which they will be lost.

You do the deletion by opening the Photos app on the device and tapping the 'Gallery' tab > tapping the 'All Photos' tab > deleting the photo. If you want to delete an image or video, click on it and click on the trash can icon button, then click on 'Delete photo'.

In case you want to delete multiple photos and videos, click 'Select', then select the photos and videos you need, click on the trash can icon, select Delete.

Picture 1 of How to permanently delete photos on iPhone and iPad

Step 2: Delete photos in the Album Recently Deleted section

Album Recently Deleted is a section that stores photos that have recently been deleted within about 30 days. Therefore, if you have deleted photos in the Photo tab, but have not deleted them in the Album Recently Deleted section, you need to access the Album Recently Deleted section to delete photos in the iPhone trash.

With this method of deleting deleted photos on iPhone, even if someone else goes to the trash on your device, they will not find the photos you deleted. Even if you want to restore photos, it is difficult.

Open the Photos app and tap the 'Albums' tab > Find the 'Recently deleted' album and tap. The device will now ask you to enter Face ID or Password to access this album.

Once unlocked, photo data in the Recently Deleted album will appear. To delete this data immediately, click 'Select', click on the three-dot icon and click 'Delete all'.

Step 3: Delete iPhone photos stored in the sharing tab

This is also one of the simple steps to permanently delete photos on iPhone and iPad that many people apply. One thing you need to know is that just because you've deleted photos in the 'Recently deleted' section, it doesn't mean those photos have been permanently deleted.

On the device you are using, those photos may have been permanently deleted, but on iCloud cloud storage or the Share tab, those photos are still backed up.

Step 4: Turn off the feature of automatically sending photos to iCloud

This is one of the necessary operations to permanently delete photos on iPhone. With this step, you will prevent photos from being backed up on cloud storage. To do this, follow the instructions below:

Go to Settings > select iCloud > select the Photos feature > turn off all functions of sending photos to iCloud.

Sometimes it's good to get rid of duplicate or low-quality photos. You can easily see your device's performance improving after freeing up storage space for your iPhone or iPad.

Update 16 April 2024


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