China's new ultra-high-speed (UHS) maglev train has just completed testing traveling at speeds of up to 1,000 km/h.
The shrimp's death blow caused the shrimp to fly away and die immediately.
Shrimp and crabs have a dark green color on their backs when alive, but after being boiled, their shells turn bright orange-red.
The US Naval Research Laboratory (NRL) has successfully transmitted 1.6 kW of power wirelessly over a distance of 1km using microwaves.
A group of scientists from the University of Bristol in the UK has just created the world's most difficult maze, which can almost expand infinitely in size.
Most people have the habit of swiping flies and mosquitoes when they land on their bodies. However, according to experts, we may face some very serious consequences for this habit.
The record for the heaviest object ever lifted by a human being belongs to Canadian athlete Gregg Ernst when he lifted two cars with drivers inside with a total weight of 2,422 kg.
Chinese scientists have discovered a gamma ray line with an energy of up to 37 million electron volts, the highest energy spectral line ever emitted by celestial bodies in the
Scientists have discovered a new climate phenomenon similar to El Nino, which can cause temperature changes across the Southern Hemisphere.
Avenida 9 de Julio in Buenos Aires, Argentina still maintains the title of the widest avenue in the world with a width of about 140m, with 16 lanes.
One of the groundbreaking capabilities of the James Webb Space Telescope is its ability to not only detect very distant planets, but also allow scientists to observe their
Exoplanet are planets located outside the Solar System.
Sound waves cannot travel in a vacuum, so the universe cannot have sound. However, science can help us hear the universe in many ways.
A coastal taipan snake named Cyclone kept in captivity in Australia secreted more than 5.2g of venom, three times the average amount of venom for this species and enough to kill
Melting polar ice caused by climate change is redistributing Earth's mass, slowing its rotation and lengthening the days slightly. This is highlighted in ETH Zurich studies
Rattlesnakes are snakes with strong venom and can kill their prey instantly with a single bite. This snake makes a clicking sound from its tail that sends chills down people's
In world history, there exist many other classic fighting tactics, be it the strategy of summoning the cat spirit to attack the enemy's psychology or taking advantage of nature to
On September 14, NASA shared the most detailed image of the surface of Mars ever, accompanied by a video that gives us the new and clearest panoramic view of the red planet's
This discovery provides valuable insights into the structure and characteristics of the Milky Way.
The Flirt H2 hydrogen train by the Swiss company Stadler Rail traveled 2,800km on just one tank of hydrogen, breaking the travel record in a test conducted in Colorado, USA.