Working with Rockmongo
Rockmongo is a MongoDB management tool. Using it, you can manage your Server, Database, Collection, Document, Index, . It provides a very friendly way for users to read, write and create documents. Rockmongo is quite similar to PHPMyAdmin tool for PHP and MySQL.
Download Rockmongo
You can download the latest version of Rockmongo from: Download Rockmongo.
Install Rockmongo:
Once downloaded, you can unzip it in the Server root folder and rename it rockmongo. Open any web browser and access index.php page from that rockmongo directory. Enter admin / admin as the corresponding username / password.
Working with Rockmongo
Next we will watch the basic activities you can do with Rockmongo.
Create new Database
To create a new Database, click Databases tab. Click Create New Database. Next, provide the name of the new Database and click Create. You will see a new database added to the left pane.
Create new Collection
To create a new Collection within a Database, click on that Database from the left pane. Click New Collection at the top. Provide a name of that Collection. Don't worry about the fields Is Capped, Size and Max. Click Create. A new Collection will be created and you will see it in the left pane.
Create a new Document
To create a new Document, click on the Collection you want to add the Document to. When you click on that Collection, you will see all the Documents listed within that Collection. To create a new Document, click Insert at the top. You can enter the data of the Document either in JSON format or in an array format and then click Save.
Import / Export data
To import / export data of any Collection, click on that Colleciton and then click Export / Import at the top. Follow the instructions to export data in zip format and then import word data and zip files.
According to Tutorialspoint
Last lesson: Regular Expression in MongoDB
Next article: Auto-Increment Sequence in MongoDB
You should read it
- How to create a database in MySQL
- How to create the Gallery collection on iPhone
- How to create a registration app using Python and database
- MS Access - Lesson 4: Create a new database
- Capped Collection in MongoDB
- Create Database in MongoDB
- How to Create a Windows Azure SQL Database
- The CREATE USER command in SQL Server
- How to Create a Secure Session Management System in PHP and MySQL
- Create forms (forms) in Access 2016
- How to Create a Database from an Excel Spreadsheet
- Create Active Directory accounts from the Exchange database (Part 1)