Capped collections are fixed-sized Circular Collection that follow the insert order to enhance the performance of create, read, and delete operations.
MongoDB is a cross-platform database, operating on the concepts of Collection and Document, it provides high performance, high availability and easy scalability.
Any Relation Database has a unique Schema Design to index the data tables and relationships between those tables. Meanwhile in MongoDB there is no concept of relationship.
Instructions for installing MongoDB on Windows.
Data in MongoDB has a flexible Schema. Documents in the same Collection need not have the same set of fields or structures, and common fields in Collection Documents can keep
The use DATABASE_NAME command in MongoDB is used to create the database. This command will create a new database, if it does not exist yet, otherwise, this command will return the
The db.dropDatabase () command in MongoDB is used to delete an existing database.
Method db.createCollection (name, options) in MongoDB is used to create Collection.
The db.collection.drop () method in MongoDB is used to delete a Collection from the database.
MongoDB supports many different data types. The following are some typical data types.
To insert data into Collection in MongoDB, you need to use the insert () or save () method.
To query data from Collection in MongoDB, you need to use the find () method in MongoDB.
The update () method updates the values in the existing Document while the save () method replaces the existing Document with the transmitted Document in that save () method.
The remove () method in MongoDB is used to delete the Document from Collection. The remove () method takes two parameters. The first parameter of the deletion criteria determines
In MongoDB, projection's meaning is to select only the necessary data instead of selecting the entire data of a Document. If a Document has 5 fields and you only need 3 fields,
To limit the records in MongoDB, you need to use the limit () method. The limit () method takes a parameter in a numeric format, which is the Document number you want to display.
To sort documents in MongoDB, you need to use the sort () method. The sort () method takes a Document containing a list of fields with their sort order. To determine the sort
Index (Index) supports the resolution of queries more efficiently. Without an index, MongoDB must scan through all a Collection's Document to select the Documents that connect to