Ways to use Google Sheets to analyze data

How to use Google Sheets to analyze data? Below are formulas and data analysis techniques you can use in Google Sheets.

How to use Google Sheets to analyze data? Below are formulas and data analysis techniques you can use in Google Sheets .

Picture 1 of Ways to use Google Sheets to analyze data

Use charts and graphs

Picture 2 of Ways to use Google Sheets to analyze data

The best way to compare numbers is to show the relationship between them. So, if you're working with data sets, Google Sheets offers you different styles, like line, area, column, and pie charts.

If you know how to use Google Sheets charts effectively, you can create them based on data and immediately see data trends. Additionally, you can draw a chart with two y-axes in Google Sheets. This allows you to compare two variables based on another value. You can then see the relationship between them, even if their values ​​have different scales.

Use the power of conditional formatting

Picture 3 of Ways to use Google Sheets to analyze data

It's easy to track data and trends when distinct changes are clearly visible in your data set. Graphs and charts are the best choice for tracking data once you have collected all the necessary information. But what if you are working with dynamic data?

This is where conditional formatting comes in. They don't change the data but change the cell styling based on the content. For example, if you're using Google Sheets to track the expiration date of an item, you can use this feature to change the cell color to light red and choose a bold font with white for the item's name.

This way, you'll immediately see the data that needs your attention without having to go through each item in the data set. Google Sheets has several Single color and Color scale conditional formatting templates, so you can quickly start using this feature.

But what makes this feature a powerful data analysis tool is its ability to accept custom formulas. As long as you think of the logic behind the data you want to analyze, you can use conditional formatting in Google Sheets to better understand the information presented.

Take advantage of filters

Picture 4 of Ways to use Google Sheets to analyze data

When looking for specific information in data points, you can use the SORT function in Google Sheets to categorize them and make them easier to find. However, you still have to find the necessary information yourself.

Therefore, instead of scrolling through hundreds or thousands of rows, you should use Filter in Google Sheets. This function provides many results that match the data you are looking for. This way, you only need to use a single function to have all the matches in a single part of the spreadsheet.

Furthermore, it's easy to create a filter if you already have a large data set. Just right-click any cell in the header row and select Create a filter . A down arrow will then appear to the right of each cell - click on it to see ways in which you can quickly filter & sort the data set, making it easier to analyze the data.

Many ways to use the SUM function in Google Sheets

Picture 5 of Ways to use Google Sheets to analyze data

You can use Google Sheets to perform basic addition calculations. However, you already know that the SUM function can do more than that. You can add numbers, cells, and even matrices using the SUM function on Google Sheets. Here are some examples:

  1. SUM: Add numbers or cells.
  2. SUMIF: Add cells based on a group of conditions in a formula.
  3. SUMSQ: Add the squares of the selected values.
  4. SUMIFS: Sums cells based on multiple criteria stated in the formula.
  5. SUMXMY2: Subtract the values ​​of adjacent cells on two different arrays, square them, then add all the calculated values ​​together.

In addition, Google Sheets also provides advanced sum functions used for statistics, averaging, and other types of data analysis. Using these formulas means you no longer have to calculate the value yourself, saving a lot of time and effort.

Learn how to use COUNT, COUNTIF, and other COUNT functions

Picture 6 of Ways to use Google Sheets to analyze data

Beyond just looking at the data, count how many data points you have that are valuable in your data analysis. If you know how to use COUNT and COUNTIF in Google Sheets, you can determine the number of entries in an array or the number of entries within the parameters you set in COUNTIF.

In addition to the two common COUNT functions, Google Sheets also provides:

  1. COUNT: Count the number of cells containing numeric values.
  2. COUNTA: Count the number of cells containing values.
  3. COUNTIF: Count the number of cells containing a group of values ​​in the formula.
  4. COUNTIFS: Counts the number of cells containing values ​​based on criteria defined in the formula.
  5. COUNTBLANK: Counts the number of blank cells in the selection.
  6. COUNTUNIQUE: Counts the number of unique values ​​in the selection box.
  7. COUNTUNIQUEIFS: Counts the number of unique values ​​based on criteria set in the formula in selected cells.

Above are some ways to use Google Sheets to analyze data . Hope the article is useful to you.

Update 19 October 2023


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