introducing the 12th generation intel core chips for mobile devices, once again intel is back with this technology trend.

windows 10x is really gone, but microsoft seems to be keen to implement its good points on windows 10.

microsoft has just officially confirmed that windows 10x will not be released. microsoft will no longer be rolling out windows 10x as a standalone operating system, but will

on windows 10, driver is a must-have element when you want to interact and use a specific hardware device. each hardware device is compatible with its own driver.

although there are many similarities with windows 10, in fact a lot of windows 10 features have been removed on windows 10x. in addition, a number of other features have also been

sad news for surface fans who have been expecting this unique device since last year.

microsoft claims that windows 10x will ship directly to dual-screen pc models in the second half of 2020, and surface neo will be the first to run the highly anticipated new

the use of wrist sensors and electroencephalography has played a major role in the development of surface neo and surface neo.

windows 10x is currently in the refining and finalizing phase to make it available later this year.

when microsoft announced windows 10x in october 2019, many people believed that the operating system would eventually fail, just like windows rt.

not only is windows 10x an operating system for dual-screen and foldable devices, it is also the foundation for introducing a series of changes to the modern windows experience

curious about windows 10x? this is how it is provided by microsoft.

if you are a developer or a technology enthusiast, you can test windows 10x on your device with microsoft emulator on windows 10. of course, your device must meet the minimum

at ces 2020, lenovo showed the thinkpad x1 foldm, its folding prototype prototype laptop running windows 10x, the optimal operating system for microsoft's folding devices.

the product is expected to be released in the second half of 2020.

the major and significant changes of windows 10x are revealed in the internal design document of microsoft.

here are 7 surprising announcements from microsoft at its annual surface hardware event last night (october 2).

surface neo is a unique dual-screen device that can be used as a traditional laptop, a tablet or an e-book.