How to shut down or restart a Windows 10X computer

Although there are many similarities with Windows 10, in fact a lot of Windows 10 features have been removed on Windows 10X. In addition, a number of other features have also been adjusted, such as options to turn off, restart the device.

If you're using Windows 10, you probably know that the startup and shutdown options are located in the Start menu. However, on Windows 10X they are no longer there, but moved to a new location.

In this article, I will show you how to shut down or restart a Windows 10X computer. 

How to turn off a Windows 10X computer

To shutdown Windows 10X you need to follow these steps:

Click the lower right corner of the Taskbar (where the time, network status and battery are displayed)

How to shut down or restart a Windows 10X computer Picture 1How to shut down or restart a Windows 10X computer Picture 1

Click the power button icon

Then select the Shutdown button

How to shut down or restart a Windows 10X computer Picture 2How to shut down or restart a Windows 10X computer Picture 2

After you complete the above steps, your Windows 10X device will go into shutdown mode.

How to restart a Windows 10X computer

To restart your Windows 10X computer, follow these steps:

Click the lower right corner of the Taskbar (where the time, network status and battery are displayed)

How to shut down or restart a Windows 10X computer Picture 3How to shut down or restart a Windows 10X computer Picture 3

Click the power button icon

Then select the Restart button

How to shut down or restart a Windows 10X computer Picture 4How to shut down or restart a Windows 10X computer Picture 4

After you complete the steps on Windows 10X it will reboot the device.

How to lock a Windows 10X computer

To lock Windows 10X, follow these steps:

Click the lower right corner of the Taskbar (where the time, network status and battery are displayed)

How to shut down or restart a Windows 10X computer Picture 5How to shut down or restart a Windows 10X computer Picture 5

Click the account button

Then select the Lock button

How to shut down or restart a Windows 10X computer Picture 6How to shut down or restart a Windows 10X computer Picture 6

After you have completed all the above steps, your Windows 10X computer will be locked. You will need to identify your account when you log back into the computer.

Good luck.

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