Search results: registry tips

when reading the tips, you see people use hacked registry files to customize and tweak windows computers and wonder how to create them. this article will guide you through the

the registry is a hierarchical database that stores the values of parameters in windows and applications and services running on the windows operating system.

aero shake is one of the interesting new features on windows 7. with this feature you can open the title bar window and shake it over and over to minimize everything. this is an

windows 7 and vista also have windows + x shortcuts similar to those on other windows versions. such as windows + e to open explorer or windows + d to open desktop screen ....

if you use the built-in encryption feature on windows 7 or windows vista, you can add this option to the right-click menu to easily encrypt and decrypt your files, instead of

in previous versions, on the windows desktop, an internet explorer icon appeared so users could easily access internet explorer. however, in windows 7, the internet explorer icon

it's undeniable that the boot speeds of windows 8 and windows 8.1 are much faster than previous windows versions, windows 7 and windows vista. however, like previous versions,

windows 7 allows you to change the login screen background - which appears when you start your computer - without any third-party software, but this setting is hidden. this