firefox is one of the best browsers available today, but it also has security flaws and you should update it immediately if you don't want to be attacked.

in less than a week, mozilla will move to a completely new browser, firefox 57, with a new engine, new interface, redesigned settings panel and new add-on api.

on november 14, mozilla launched firefox 57 on windows, mac and linux. this is probably the biggest update in firefox's 13-year history.

mozilla engineers have borrowed a feature from the tor browser and will upload it to firefox 58, without saving the user's footprint with html5 canvas.

previously, what made chrome more prominent was speed and simplicity, especially when firefox seemed to be slow and heavier after each update. but things have changed, it's time

today, mozilla announced it would not offer any support for the firefox browser on windows xp and vista in june 2018.

mozilla has just released the first beta of firefox 57 new interface with codename photon and the new engine with codename quantum.

mozilla announced the release of the public firefox 56, their latest browser. as usual, foundation brought firefox 56 to an ftp server the day before.

as planned to be released on november 14, firefox 57 will bring a new security method to prevent accessibility apps (accessibility apps) from accessing browser data.

if you do not believe that firefox is on a recession, may be wiped out in the next few years, firefox's cto andreas gal has proofs to show you.

can't run the browser when opening more than 10 tabs? it's time to consider using a new version of firefox.

because everyone has to earn money. mozilla's principle is 'internet for everyone, not profit', but the fact that they still have the business activities to implement, so mozilla

firefox 52 will be the last fully updated version for windows xp and windows vista. security updates will still be released but no new features are added.

as a move to contribute to chrome's heat in the world of web browsers, microsoft has equipped edge to become the first chromium browser to support both widevine and playready drm

on january 29, mozilla officially launched firefox 65 for windows, mac, linux and android with a lot of noticeable improvements and changes.

mozilla has just launched two tests for the test pilot program on its firefox browser.

mozilla firefox is testing two new features, allowing users to customize their browser and view tabs at the same time very easily.

firefox developers are improving tracking protection, scheduled to ship into firefox 63 which will be released in mid-october.

mozilla is testing a new feature called the warming tab in the hope of improving the tab conversion process.

in the article below, tipsmake.com will introduce you a few steps to download flash games to play offline on the computer.