Search results: lock screen

the widget system is one of the components that plays an important role in the innovative user experience that microsoft wants to implement on windows 11.

windows 10 and windows 11 allow users to display real-time weather information right on the lock screen for easy monitoring.

andromeda was a hybrid project between the andromeda operating system and a dual-screen device, but in the end, microsoft switched to android for the surface duo.

at default settings, you will see on the lock screen of windows 11 contains components such as clock, date and wallpaper.

although the new iphone se is still equipped with haptic touch, it is disabled by apple for the ability to extend notifications on the lock screen and in the notification center.

the feature is quite interesting on ios 13, allowing you to take quick notes without having to unlock the device.

as we know, windows 10 allows users to customize the look of the lock screen with personalized images in settings app.

you can see a process called lockapp.exe running on your pc and not understanding what it is, read the following article to learn about it.

on windows 8 and windows 10, lock screen lock screen allows users to select any image as wallpaper as well as display the date and time on the screen when logging out of windows.

unique and ultra-slim border screen of samsung galaxy s8 is always the focal point to attract the attention of users at first sight. in order to adapt to this infinite screen,

tap locker will make your boring phone more interesting than ever, this is an application that has just been released by fossor coding programmers, allowing unlocking smartphones

please join us to refer to 9 great hidden features on android that you may never know in this article!

security is the top concern of smartphone users. fortunately for owners of samsung galaxy s3 is not difficult to perform data security on it.

iphone lock screen prevents prying eyes from viewing information on your phone. but one of the most useful features of the lock screen is battery saving. the longer the iphone

with newer android versions (android marshmallow, android nougat and android oreo), you can also display a custom notification on the lock screen. this announcement can be a fun