What is LockApp.exe on Windows 10?
You can see a process called LockApp.exe running on your PC and not understanding what it is, read the following article to learn about it.
Learn about the LockApp.exe process
- What is LockApp.exe?
- Does this process use a lot of system resources?
- Can this process be disabled?
- Is this process a virus?
What is LockApp.exe?
LockApp.exe is part of the Windows 10 operating system and is responsible for displaying the lock screen. Specifically, LockApp.exe displays the lock screen overlay that appears before logging in to the computer. This screen displays wallpaper, time, date and other items you have selected displayed on the lock screen such as weather forecasts or information about new emails.
- Tricks to customize the Windows 10 lock screen
The LockApp.exe process displays this screen and the information on it.
Most of the time, this process doesn't do anything, it only works when you're in the lock screen. It appears when you log in or lock your computer by clicking the Lock option in the Start menu or pressing Windows + L. It will automatically hang and stop working after you log in.
Below is a screenshot of the process LockApp.exe running on the Process tab in Task Manager by using the program startup trick on the Windows login screen. Normally, you will not see it in the progress list at the Process tab, although some system tools can tell users that LockApp.exe is running on the PC.
Does this process use a lot of system resources?
Lock app does not use much system resources. If the system tool announces the process has been running for a period of time, this means your computer is locked and "awakened" after a long time. When the computer is in the lock screen, it means that LockApp.exe process is running and after logging in to the computer, it will stop automatically.
With the trick to start the program on the lock screen, you will see that the Lock app only uses 10-12 MB of memory and very low CPU usage. After logging in, LockApp.exe will automatically stop working and use only 48K of memory. You will see this information in the Task Manager 's Details tab.
This process is designed to be light and small, does not use much CPU, memory and other resources.
Can this process be disabled?
You can turn off the Lock app if you want to disable the lock screen from Windows. Understandably, when you start, wake or lock your computer, you'll see a normal login message without a blank lock screen.
Disabling the Lock app will not save a lot of computer resources, it will only speed up the login process to the computer a bit and you will not see the lock screen anymore but only see the background image on the login screen.
Is this process a virus?
There have been no reports of other viruses or malware impersonating the LockApp.exe process, but this is entirely possible.
To check the LockApp.exe process, open Task Manager, click the Details tab, and find LockApp.exe in the list. Then right click on it and select Open File Location .
This will open a File Explorer window displaying the LockApp.exe file. If it is in the following directory, this process is not a virus, it is part of Windows 10.
C: WindowsSystemAppsMicrosoft.LockApp_cw5n1h2txyewy
If LockApp.exe file is in another folder, this may be malware. Scan your computer with your favorite antivirus software.
See more:
- Learn the Windows Modules Installer Worker process
- What is the Client Server Runtime Process or csrss.exe and why does it run on the computer?
- What is the Host Process for Windows Tasks and why does it run much on the computer?
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