medical id is one of the important features that apple integrates on ios 8. medical id can provide important health information for users. even in an emergency, you can call right
ios 8 is really the operating system for smart phones, but it will overpower your battery! so this article makes it a little less clever but not too much to turn it into a regular
there are too many spam messages in your phone or sensitive messages that you don't want others to see. so why don't you delete them. if you do not know how to delete, you can
ios 8 had an unfavorable start when a series of unpleasant errors made users hesitate to update and stay with the old version. but according to the latest figures from apple, 63%
useful tips for windows users, help increase the display of content on facebook, tips for skype, information on iphone 7, apple officially released ios 8.1.1, printing everything
the latest version of ios was introduced last night, and after 24 hours more than 14% of users upgraded to ios 8.
surprisingly, at least 99% of apple fans will never touch one of the biggest products apple launched at wwdc this year. but, the swift programming language will still be a very
dropbox for ios today has updated the new version to support the feature of ios 8 extension. so now you can use any application to upload files directly to dropbox using the