Search results: flipboard

flipboard not only allows you to read and enjoy various articles and contents available on the internet, but also lets you collect those writings that you like and piece it all

this wikihow teaches you how to create and customize a new flipboard magazine on pc or mac. you can use your new magazine to collect, organize, and share interesting articles and

if you like to share the contents you're reading or your very own article on flipboard to the viewers of your website, you can add a button, badge, or widget that links directly

flipboard is an application available to the four major mobile systems in the market. it enables users to flip through various headlines in different industries or even feature

if you use flipboard to keep up with your favorite topics, blogs, websites, and others, you may find pocket to be quite useful. with pocket, you can save great articles you find on

flipboard is a popular news application that gathers stories based on your interests, and presents them in a nice, magazine-like interface. you can set categories for which

you are bored and want to find a website with interesting and new content, try to explore 15 websites in this article. each website will bring interesting content to readers.

currently, many people use too much time sitting in front of a computer screen for work or entertainment. that sometimes makes you feel tired but don't know how to relax but

microsoft has promised to work with flipboard to bring this popular news reader application to their windows 8 operating system. and today, flipboard has officially updated

the google reader rss reader is about to be closed

although it has been integrated into the people function on windows 8.1, nothing is possible and convenient with the application created by facebook itself. the interface is quite