although we can still use earlier versions of dpm (dpm 2006) to back up exchange server, it does include a two-step method. with the new version, dpm 2007 is used to support
when the first replication of dpm server of exchange databases is performed, the synchronization problem will appear at a certain frequency, which is configured for short-term
although we can still use earlier versions of dpm (dpm 2006) to back up exchange server, it does include a two-step method. with the new version, dpm 2007 is used to support
in the previous sections we saw how to install dpm 2007, create basic items such as installing an agent (agent) to configure the disk, using the dpm 2007 administrator console. in
data protection manager (dpm) is designed to protect microsoft applications and servers in an active directory environment. dpm uses continuous data protection. dpm server
in the previous section, we deployed the dpm server and before we started to learn about dpm administration interfaces, this section will show you how to finish the dpm deployment
distributed power manager (dpm) is part of distributed resource scheduler (drs) integrated in vmware.