Instructions to turn off Tab Post notifications (article cards) on Facebook

Currently, Facebook is using the Tab Post feature for many user accounts. This feature displays the message as a pop-up window of posts where you get a name tag that is annoying to the user. Please read the article below to know how to disable this feature!

Currently, Facebook is using the Tab Post feature - displays a notification as a pop-up window of posts that you are tagged with. Meaning anyone who comments on your status or status that you commented on or tagged, a small notification tab will appear in the lower right corner of the screen. This is annoying for many users. If you want to disable this feature, follow the steps below.

First, click the gear icon in the chat bar to the right of the screen to open the chat settings.

Picture 1 of Instructions to turn off Tab Post notifications (article cards) on Facebook

Next, click on Turn Off Post Tabs .

Picture 2 of Instructions to turn off Tab Post notifications (article cards) on Facebook

Now the Tab Post notifications will not bother you anymore, but only when you click on the new notification icon will be viewable. When you turn off this feature, your chat chat tabs will still appear but your Facebook experience will be less complicated than before.

Good luck!

Update 24 May 2019


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