Instructions to merge multiple Excel files into 1 File

Detailed instructions on how to combine multiple Excel files into a single file with Macro.

The following article details how to combine multiple Excel files into a single file.

For example, there are 2 data files as follows:

File 1 named DS_1 has the content:

Picture 1 of Instructions to merge multiple Excel files into 1 File

File 2 named DS_2 has the content:

Picture 2 of Instructions to merge multiple Excel files into 1 File

Want to aggregate the data from the two files into a single data file named Book1 (the records are on the same Sheet) you do the following:

Step 1: Create a new Excel file named Book1 -> press Alt + F11 -> window appears -> Click the Insert tab -> Module .

Picture 3 of Instructions to merge multiple Excel files into 1 File

Step 2: Copy the whole code into Module 1 .

Picture 4 of Instructions to merge multiple Excel files into 1 File

 Sub GopFileExcel () Dim FilesToOpen Dim x As Integer On Error GoTo ErrHandler Application.ScreenUpdating = False FilesToOpen = Application.GetOpenFilename _ (FileFilter: = "Microsoft Excel Files (* .xlsx), * .xlsx", MultiSelect: = True, Title : = "Files to Merge") If TypeName (FilesToOpen) = "Boolean" Then MsgBox "No Files were selected" GoTo ExitHandler End If x = 1 While x <= UBound (FilesToOpen) Workbooks.Open Filename: = FilesToOpen (x) Sheets (). Move After: = ThisWorkbook.Sheets (ThisWorkbook.Sheets.Count) x = x + 1 Wend ExitHandler: Application.ScreenUpdating = True Exit Sub ErrHandler: MsgBox Err.Description Resume ExitHandler End Sub 

Step 3: Save Module 1 named GopFileExcel () . Because the module contains macros, when you have a warning, click OK .

Picture 5 of Instructions to merge multiple Excel files into 1 File

Step 4: Create 1 more Module, click Insert -> Module .

Picture 6 of Instructions to merge multiple Excel files into 1 File

Step 5: Copy the whole code into module 2 -> save and name GopCacSheet () .

Picture 7 of Instructions to merge multiple Excel files into 1 File

 Sub GopCacSheet () Dim Sh As Worksheet Application.ScreenUpdating = False [A6]. CurrentRegion.Offset (1, 1) .ClearContents For Each Sh In Worksheets If Sh.Name <> "Gop_File" Then With [B65500] .End (xlUp ) .Offset (1) [A6] .CurrentRegion.Offset (1, 1). Copied Destination: =. Offset (0) End With End If Next Sh Application.ScreenUpdating = True Columns ("E: E"). Hidden = False: Randomize [A5] .Resize (, 6) .Interior.ColorIndex = 34 + 9 * Rnd () 1 End Sub 

Step 6: Go back to the newly created Excel File -> Go to View tab -> View Marco .

Picture 8 of Instructions to merge multiple Excel files into 1 File

Step 7: Macro dialog box appears -> select module 1 (name GopFileExcel ()) -> Run .

Picture 9 of Instructions to merge multiple Excel files into 1 File

Step 8: The Browse dialog box appears, select the path to the data files to merge (here files DS_1 and DS_2) -> Open .

Picture 10 of Instructions to merge multiple Excel files into 1 File

After selecting Open data from 2 corresponding files recorded in sheet 2 and sheet 3 in Book1 file. The final merging of the Sheet into 1 single Sheet.

Step 9: Go to the View tab -> View Macro -> GopCacSheet () -> Run .

Picture 11 of Instructions to merge multiple Excel files into 1 File

All data in 2 Sheet combined into Sheet 1. Note about the incorrect order you need to enter and align the size of the columns. After editing the results:

Picture 12 of Instructions to merge multiple Excel files into 1 File


- Sheet merge sheet2, sheet 3 is sheet 1.

- Apply with a number of different files, the bigger the number of files, the slower the processing speed.

- In the process of merging data files should not use any data function will cause errors (because the address changes). Should use pure input.

Good luck!

Update 19 May 2020


Mac OS X



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