How to Select Folders to Sync with Copy on Windows

Having the Copy application on your computer allows you to continuously sync the contents of your local Copy folder with those of your main Copy account. You don't need to go to Copy's website to download your files. You're assured that...

Part 1 of 3:

Running Copy

  1. Picture 1 of How to Select Folders to Sync with Copy on Windows
    Open Copy. Go to your Start menu and locate the Copy folder. Click on the Copy application shortcut from there. Copy will be launched, and reside on your notification tray at the lower right side of your screen.
    1. If Copy is already running, there's no need to launch it again.
  2. Picture 2 of How to Select Folders to Sync with Copy on Windows
    Go to 'Preferences.' Right-click on the Copy icon, the one with the origami crane picture, to bring out the menu. Select 'Preferences' from here. Your Copy account details and settings can be seen here.
  3. Picture 3 of How to Select Folders to Sync with Copy on Windows
    Go to 'Account' tab. The Preferences window has several tabs. The first one is the Account tab; click on this. Your account information is displayed here.
Part 2 of 3:

Selecting Files and Folders to Sync

  1. Picture 4 of How to Select Folders to Sync with Copy on Windows
    Manage 'My Files.' Under the Account tab, click on the 'Manage My Files' button found towards the bottom of the window. This will bring out another window with the files and folders of your Copy account.
  2. Picture 5 of How to Select Folders to Sync with Copy on Windows
    Select files and folders. Beside each item is a check box. By default, all of them are ticked since all of the files and folders are getting synced.
    1. Remove the ticks from the check boxes of the files and folders you don't want to get synced to your computer.
  3. Picture 6 of How to Select Folders to Sync with Copy on Windows
    Remove local copy. For every file or folder you opt to not sync, you have the option to retain its local copy. Since by default all files and folders are synced, everything that exists in your Copy account is also in your local Copy folder.
    1. If you decide to retain the local copies, remove the check mark from the 'Remove local copy' option at the bottom of the window. Even if the files are not syncing, they will still remain in your local Copy folder.
  4. Picture 7 of How to Select Folders to Sync with Copy on Windows
    Save. Once you're done with your selection, click on the 'Save' button at the bottom of the window. Exit 'Preferences' as well. Your local Copy folder's contents will get updated.
Part 3 of 3:

Viewing the Copy Folder

  1. Picture 8 of How to Select Folders to Sync with Copy on Windows
    Go to Copy folder. Look for Copy on your notification tray. Right-click on it to bring out a menu.
    1. Select 'Open Copy Folder' from it, and the folder will be opened.
  2. Picture 9 of How to Select Folders to Sync with Copy on Windows
    Check files. If you opted to remove the local copies of the files and folders that you won't sync, they will be removed from this folder. Otherwise, you can still see them here.
  3. Resume syncing. If you decide later on to resume syncing for the files and folders you have stopped syncing, simply repeat Part 2. Just ensure the files are ticked this time.
Update 04 March 2020


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