Reg command copy in Windows

To copy an entry to the location specified on the local PC or the remote computer we will use the reg copy command. To learn more about how to use the reg copy command, you can track the syntax, explain the command parameters and the example has compiled below.

To copy an entry to the location specified on the local PC or the remote computer we will use the reg copy command.To learn more about how to use the reg copy command, you can track the syntax, explain the command parameters and the example has compiled below.

Syntax reg copy command

 reg copy [/ s] [/ f] 

Parameter reg copy command




Specify the full path of the first subkey to be compared.To specify a remote computer, attach the computer name (in the format) as part of the KeyName parameter.In addition, parameter KeyName1 must also include a valid root key.Valid root keys for local computers are: HKLM, HKCU, HKCR, HKU and HKCC.If the remote computer is specified, valid root keys will be HKLM and HKU.


Specify the full path of the first subkey to be compared.To specify a remote computer, attach the computer name (in the format) as part of the KeyName parameter.In addition, the parameter KeyName2 must also include a valid root key.Valid root keys for local computers are: HKLM, HKCU, HKCR, HKU and HKCC.If the remote computer is specified, valid root keys will be HKLM and HKU.


Copy all subkeys and entries according to the specified subkey.

/ f

Copy the subkey without prompting for confirmation.


Show help at thecommand prompt.

Parameter reg copy command

Reg does not require confirmation when copying the subkey.

The following table lists the return values ​​for the reg copy command :







Example reg copy command

To copy all the subkeys and values ​​in the key named MyApp into the key named SaveMyApp, enter:

 REG COPY HKLMSoftwareMyCoMyApp HKLMSoftwareMyCoSaveMyApp / s 

To copy all the values ​​in the key named MyCo on the computer named ZODIAC into the key named MyCo1 on the local computer, enter:


See more:

  1. The qprocess command in Windows
  2. Qappsrv (query termserver) command in Windows
  3. The quser (query user) command in Windows
  4. The pubprn command and the pushprinterconnections command in Windows
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