How to restore old photos in Photoshop

For commemorative photos they are like treasures and a lot of people want to find a way to restore those corrupted photos so that they can become intact for future generations. To restore the image we will need Photoshop tools and accompanying that

However, in this article, TipsMake will guide you how to restore old photos in Photoshop quickly and simply.

Picture 1 of How to restore old photos in Photoshop

I will proceed to restore an old black and white photo with many wrinkles, discoloration,….

Step 1: For crumpled images, we will proceed to process the crumpled marks first to bring them back to the original. To treat these crumples, you should choose the Spot Healing Brush Tool .

Picture 2 of How to restore old photos in Photoshop

Step 2: After selecting the Spot Healing Brush Tool , right click to open the parameters panel , here you can set the brush size to match (Item Size).

Picture 3 of How to restore old photos in Photoshop

Step 3: Next, you click on the creased image area, lose detail so that the software automatically recovers the image from the image arrays around that area.

Note: For a beautiful and detailed image, you should choose the brush size (Size) equal to the crumpled line, the loss of content. Avoid large brush sizes as they will be very messy.

Picture 4 of How to restore old photos in Photoshop

Step 4: After dealing with the creases, we get to the hardest part of the photo. The hardest part here is the right half of the face, the part of the image that has lost a lot of detail and cannot be recovered with the Spot Healing Brush Tool .

However, the left half of the image is still very good and full of details, we will copy the right half to paste to the left half.

Take the Slection Tool (M) and select an area around the left face area.

Note: The selection should not be too large, as long as they surround the necessary content is enough.

Picture 5 of How to restore old photos in Photoshop

After creating the selection, you press Ctrl + J to duplicate the selection into a new Layer.

Next, you select the newly created Layer and press Ctrl + T to open FreeTransform . To reverse the image, you right-click on the image content and choose Flip Horizontal .

Picture 6 of How to restore old photos in Photoshop

After a series of manipulations above, we have the right part of the face. Now move them to the replacement area.

Picture 7 of How to restore old photos in Photoshop

To move them to the correct position, you need to reduce the Opacity and move, lower the Opacity will help you align more easily with the original content. After the move is complete, you push the Opacity to 100% as before.

Picture 8 of How to restore old photos in Photoshop

Step 5: Next, you create a Layer Mask for the newly restored right face so that we can edit it smoother and more reasonable.

Picture 9 of How to restore old photos in Photoshop

Step 6: After creating a Layer Mask, you choose the Brush Tool to proceed with erasing unnecessary areas on the right half of the restored face.

Picture 10 of How to restore old photos in Photoshop

Step 7: You proceed to remove the frills, no need to restore the right half of the face to make them smoother and more authentic.

Picture 11 of How to restore old photos in Photoshop

Step 8: So we are done with the image content, now we will reduce noise (much) for a sharper image. You choose Filter -> Noise -> Reduce Noise…

Picture 12 of How to restore old photos in Photoshop

Step 9: Next, you choose Filter -> Sharpen -> Unsharp Mask . to proceed to increase the sharpness of the image.

Picture 13 of How to restore old photos in Photoshop

Step 10: After performing a series of operations above, you have finished restoring an old photo in Photoshop. Our content after the recovery will be as follows:

Picture 14 of How to restore old photos in Photoshop

Good luck!

Update 22 August 2020


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