How to draw a beautiful, professional mind map in Powerpoint

A mind map is a useful tool that helps organize and present information visually and logically. Drawing mind maps in PowerPoint not only helps you create eye-catching slides but also enhances the professionalism of your presentation. Below are detailed instructions on how to draw a mind map in PowerPoint.

Picture 1 of How to draw a beautiful, professional mind map in Powerpoint

Instructions for drawing mind maps in Powerpoint

Step 1: On the Powerpoint interface , pay attention to the Shapes section .

Picture 2 of How to draw a beautiful, professional mind map in Powerpoint

Step 2: Click on Shapes or enlarge the Powerpoint interface to full screen. Then click on the frame to create a mind map. You can zoom in and out of the diagram at will.

Picture 3 of How to draw a beautiful, professional mind map in Powerpoint

Step 3: Right-click in the middle of the diagram frame, select Edit Text to enter information into the frame.

Picture 4 of How to draw a beautiful, professional mind map in Powerpoint

Create additional hyphens and mind maps by selecting in the Shapes section, then entering the corresponding Text.

Picture 5 of How to draw a beautiful, professional mind map in Powerpoint

There are many templates to create mind maps in the Shapes section for you to choose from.

Picture 6 of How to draw a beautiful, professional mind map in Powerpoint

Step 4: To create the background color for the mind map, click Quick Styles. Then choose the color you want.

Picture 7 of How to draw a beautiful, professional mind map in Powerpoint

Step 5: You can also change the text color by clicking on the Text line. Select the letter A color icon and choose the font color you want.

Picture 8 of How to draw a beautiful, professional mind map in Powerpoint

This is also TipsMake's entire guide on how to draw a mind map on Powerpoint. After reading this article, you probably know how to draw a mind map for slide presentations on this office tool, right? If you want to use professional mind maps, create difficult mind maps that require high technology for your work, you can refer to the top mind map creation software . These are professional software, indispensable if you want to create mind maps.

In addition to Powerpoint, you can also  draw mind maps in Word , operations on this text editing application will be a bit easier than Powerpoint, you can refer to the implementation method.

Update 28 August 2024


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