How to batch convert CR2 files to JPG extremely fast using Photoshop

If you have 100 CR2 files that need to be converted to JPG at a time, how to do it quickly. This article I will guide you how to batch convert CR2 files to JPG extremely fast in Photoshop.

In the previous articles I showed you how to convert CR2 files to JPG online or in Photoshop, but if you have 100 rows of 1000 files to transfer at a time, how to quickly. This article I will guide you how to batch convert CR2 files to JPG extremely fast in Photoshop .

For example, there are some images in .CR2 format in the D folder : _CR2 photos need to be converted to .JPG format

Picture 1 of How to batch convert CR2 files to JPG extremely fast using Photoshop

Step 1: Open the Photoshop software -> File -> Scripts -> ImageProcessor:

Picture 2 of How to batch convert CR2 files to JPG extremely fast using Photoshop

Step 2: The Image Processor window appears:

- In section 1. Select the images to process, click Select Folder to select the folder containing the .CR2 format files to be converted to .JPG format. The Choose Folder window appears, selecting the path to the folder containing the files to be converted. For example here in folder D: Photo _CR2 -> click OK:

Picture 3 of How to batch convert CR2 files to JPG extremely fast using Photoshop

- In section 2 Select location to save processed image : Select a location to save the JPG file

This place has 2 options:

Option 1: Save in Save Location -> Save the JPG file right at the location of the CR2 file

Option 2: Select Folder -> Select a folder to save the JPG file elsewhere

In this example, I will choose to save the JPG file elsewhere so I click on Select Folder

Picture 4 of How to batch convert CR2 files to JPG extremely fast using Photoshop

- The Choose Folder window appears, select a folder to save the JPG image file after conversion, for example, here choose a folder in D: Photos_JPG:

Picture 5 of How to batch convert CR2 files to JPG extremely fast using Photoshop

Step 3: Finally, click Run to convert:

Picture 6 of How to batch convert CR2 files to JPG extremely fast using Photoshop

- After clicking Run, a series of CR2 image files are converted into JPG format in the selected destination folder:

Picture 7 of How to batch convert CR2 files to JPG extremely fast using Photoshop

- You can directly compare 2 folders containing image files before and after conversion:

Picture 8 of How to batch convert CR2 files to JPG extremely fast using Photoshop

The above is a detailed guide on how to batch convert CR2 files to JPG extremely fast in Photoshop. Good luck!

Update 19 May 2020


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