Flash - Strange menu

Tutorials make strange menus in Flash.

Strange Menu

1. Create a file with the parameters shown in Figure 1:

Picture 1 of Flash - Strange menu

Figure 1

2 Select the Oval Tool, remove the border color, click the small triangle in the fill color to bring up the color palette, and select the color as shown in Figure 2.

Picture 2 of Flash - Strange menu

Figure 2

3. Draw a circle (press add Shift key when drawing) on ​​the canvas and right-click it and select Convert to Symbol .

Picture 3 of Flash - Strange menu

Figure 3

4. In the dialog box that appears, select Movie Clip. Double click on the newly created Movie Clip to enter it. Right-click Frame 20 and select Insert KeyFrame

Picture 4 of Flash - Strange menu

Figure 4

5. At Frame 20, adjust the circle's color to red as shown in Figure 5

Picture 5 of Flash - Strange menu

Figure 5

6. Click on the text Scene 1 to return to the main frame

Picture 6 of Flash - Strange menu

Figure 6

7. Click on the circle on the canvas and press Ctrl-C to Copy it to the clipboard, for later steps.

8. Right-click Frame 5 and select Insert KeyFrame

Picture 7 of Flash - Strange menu

Figure 7

9. Right-click Frame 20 and select Insert KeyFrame

Picture 8 of Flash - Strange menu

Figure 8

10. Click on the circle on the canvas to select it. Select Modify> Transform> Flip Vertical

Picture 9 of Flash - Strange menu

Figure 9

11. Right-click between Frame 5 and Frame 20 and select Create Motion Tween

Picture 10 of Flash - Strange menu

Figure 10

12. Right-click Frame 21 and select Insert KeyFrame, then press Ctrl-V to paste the circle we have saved on the clipboard in Step 7

Picture 11 of Flash - Strange menu

Figure 11

13. Do the same for Frame 22, 23. Select Window> Align and select 2 items as shown in Figure 12 to get 4 equally spaced circles.

Picture 12 of Flash - Strange menu

Figure 12

14. Lock the existing layer, create a new layer, select the Oval Tool, remove the border, select the red fill color and draw a circle that covers the blue circle in the layer below.

Picture 13 of Flash - Strange menu

Figure 13

15. Right click on it and choose Convert to Symbol .

Picture 14 of Flash - Strange menu

Figure 14

16. In the dialog that appears, select Button. Double click on the red circle to enter it. Use the mouse to drag the dot at the Up position through the Hit position

Picture 15 of Flash - Strange menu

Figure 15

17. Click on Scene 1 to return to the main frame, if done correctly, you will get the result as shown in Figure 16

Picture 16 of Flash - Strange menu

Figure 16

18. Click on the newly created Button, select Window> Actions to open the Actions-Button panel (note that you have to do Actions - Button!) And then enter the following commands:

 on (rollOver) 
gotoAndPlay (5);
on (release)
getURL ("https://quantrimang.com");

Picture 17 of Flash - Strange menu

Figure 17

19. Lock the existing layer, add a new layer, select Window> Actions to open the Actions-Frame panel and then enter the following command:

 stop (); 

Picture 18 of Flash - Strange menu

Figure 18

20. Right-click Frame 23 of this layer and select Insert KeyFrame and open the Actions-Frame panel, enter the stop () command line;

Picture 19 of Flash - Strange menu

Figure 19

21. Lock this layer, unlock the first layer, click on Frame 23, select the Text Tool and enter the words home, news, relax, help for each circle.

Picture 20 of Flash - Strange menu

Figure 20

22. Do the same steps Step 14 to Step 18 to get the buttons for news items, relax, help (in the code entered you just need to use on (release) with the links you choose)

23. Press Enter + Ctrl to check the result.

Update 25 May 2019


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