Macromedia Flash - Create menu effects

This lesson will show you how to create a flash menu with the effect when moving the mouse. To create this post, you will have to use the Action Script code.

This lesson will show you how to create a flash menu with the effect when moving the mouse. To create this post, you will have to use the Action Script code. In addition, menu design is very simple.

Step 1

Create a new flash file. Go to Modify > Document (Ctrl + J). Set the width of the file to 380 px and the height to 100 px. Choose # f8f8f2 as background color and set the Frame rate to 24 fps . Completely click OK .

Macromedia Flash - Create menu effects Picture 1Macromedia Flash - Create menu effects Picture 1

Step 2

Pick the Rectangle Tool (R). In the Colors section of the tool panel, lock the border color by clicking on the Stroke color (with a small pencil icon) then select a white square with a red diagonal. Set the background color to # 393939 and draw a square about 70 x 70px and place it in the position shown below.

Macromedia Flash - Create menu effects Picture 2Macromedia Flash - Create menu effects Picture 2

Step 3

While the rectangle is still selected, take the Selection Tool (V), press and hold the Shift key while dragging and releasing the mouse to multiply the square by many shapes.

Macromedia Flash - Create menu effects Picture 3Macromedia Flash - Create menu effects Picture 3

Step 4

Still select the Selection Tool (V), select the second square and change its color to # FF5400

Macromedia Flash - Create menu effects Picture 4Macromedia Flash - Create menu effects Picture 4

Step 5

Select the third square and set its color to # 19A3CB .

Step 6

The fourth square is colored # FFA800 .

Step 7

And the last square has the color # 94CA1A . Completed we will have the following picture

Macromedia Flash - Create menu effects Picture 5Macromedia Flash - Create menu effects Picture 5

Step 8

Grab the Text Tool (A) and go to the Properties Panel (Ctrl + F3) below the stage. Select the corresponding options as follows

Macromedia Flash - Create menu effects Picture 6Macromedia Flash - Create menu effects Picture 6

Then create a series of text with content corresponding to each menu

Macromedia Flash - Create menu effects Picture 7Macromedia Flash - Create menu effects Picture 7

Step 9

Take the Selection Tool (V) and select the first square with the text (in this example ' HOME PAGE '). Press F8 key (Convert to Symbol) to convert the rectangle and text into Movie Clip Symol format.

Macromedia Flash - Create menu effects Picture 8Macromedia Flash - Create menu effects Picture 8

Step 10

While the new made Movie Clip is still selected, go to the Properties Panel (Ctrl + F3) below the stage. On the left side, you will find an Instance name input field. Rename the movie to be homepage_mc

Macromedia Flash - Create menu effects Picture 9Macromedia Flash - Create menu effects Picture 9

Step 11

Pick the Selection Tool (V) and double-click the movie clip on the working screen.

Macromedia Flash - Create menu effects Picture 10Macromedia Flash - Create menu effects Picture 10

Step 12

Still using the Selection Tool (V), select only the text and press Ctrl + X (Cut). Then create a new layer and name it text. Select the text layer and press Ctrl + Shift + V (Paste in place).

Step 13

Go back to layer 1, double click on it with Selection Tool (V) and change its name to rectangle.

Step 14

While still selected, press again F8 key (Convert to Symbol) to convert it into a Movie Clip Symbol.

Macromedia Flash - Create menu effects Picture 11Macromedia Flash - Create menu effects Picture 11

Step 15

Click on frame 15 of layer rectangle and press F6

Step 16

While you're still on frame 15, take the Free Transform Tool (Q), press and hold the Alt key and drag the rectangle down like this:

Macromedia Flash - Create menu effects Picture 12Macromedia Flash - Create menu effects Picture 12

Step 17

Right-click anywhere in the gray area between the two keyframes on the timeline and choose Create Motion Tween from the menu that appears.

Macromedia Flash - Create menu effects Picture 13Macromedia Flash - Create menu effects Picture 13

Step 18

Select the text layer and press F8 (Convert to Symbol) to convert the text into a Movie Clip Symbol.

Macromedia Flash - Create menu effects Picture 14Macromedia Flash - Create menu effects Picture 14

Step 19

Click on frame 15 of the text layer and press F6

Step 20

Use the arrow keys or mouse to drag the text down a bit to enter the center of the rectangle as shown below

Macromedia Flash - Create menu effects Picture 15Macromedia Flash - Create menu effects Picture 15

Step 21

Right-click anywhere in the gray area between the two keyframes and select Create Motion Tween from the menu that appears.

Step 22

Return to the main scene (Scene 1)

Step 23

Create a new layer and name it Invisible Button. Then create an invisible button above the rectangle and text.

Macromedia Flash - Create menu effects Picture 16Macromedia Flash - Create menu effects Picture 16

Step 24

Using the Selection Tool (V) click once on the invisible button created to select it, go to the Action Script panel (F9). Then put the following code into:

on (rollOver) {
_root.mouse_over_homepage_mc = true;
on (rollOut) {
_root.mouse_over_homepage_mc = fstartlse;
on (release) {
getURL (" ");

Step 25

Create a new layer above the invisible button layer and name it action script.

Step 26

Click on the first frame of the action script layer, go to the Action Script Panel and enter the following code:

_root.homepage_mc.onEnterFrame = function () {
if (mouse_over_homepage_mc) {
_root.homepage_mc.nextFrame ();
} else {
_root.homepage_mc.prevFrame ();

So we've completed a button in the menu, your next job is to do the same on the next page. Note that in the Action Script code, there is a URL that needs to be changed accordingly on each menu. And don't forget to download the source file here.

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