Macromedia Flash - Self-designed animated menu
If you don't like to choose a traditional static menu, you can apply this tutorial to give your website a suitable dynamic menu, it can bring style to a professional website. This tutorial is quite complicated but we will try to explain it in the easiest way. Make sure you follow the instructions step by step.
Step 1
Create a new 250 x 140 Flash file and Frame rate is 40fps .
Step 2
Grab the Rectangle Tool (R) and draw 5 small rectangles (or as many as you want). See the following picture
Macromedia Flash - Self-designed animated menu Picture 1
Step 3
Select the Text Tool (A), go to the Properties Panel (Ctrl + F3), select Dynamic Text and create the letters that display the menu name.
Macromedia Flash - Self-designed animated menu Picture 2
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Step 4
Select the first letter (in the example ' About us ') and press F8 on the keyboard (Convert to Symbol) to convert this text into a Movie Clip Symbol.
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Step 5
Open the Properties Panel (Ctrl + F3) and enter butt1 . See the following picture
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Step 6
Double-click or right-click the newly created Movie Clip and select Edit in Place
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Step 7
Just select each letter (in this case ' About us '), press Ctrl + X (Cut), add a new layer above layer 1 (layer 2), select it and press Ctrl + Shift + V ( Paste in place)
Step 8
Select layer 2 (text layer) and convert it into a Movie Clip ( F8 ).
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Step 9
Then, open the Properties Panel (Ctrl + F3) and enter the text .
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Step 10
Click on frame 5 of layer 2 (text layer) and press F6 key. Then click on frame 10 and press F6 again (create Keyframe).
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Step 11
Go back on frame 5 and use the arrow keys on the keyboard or the mouse to move the text (in this example ' About us ') down a bit (or go horizontal if you like). See the following picture
Macromedia Flash - Self-designed animated menu Picture 11
Step 12
Select layer 2 (text layer), open the Properties Panel (Ctrl + F3) and in Tween choose Motion .
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Step 13
Back to layer 1, select only the border of the rectangle and press Ctrl + X (Cut) on the keyboard.
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Step 14
Insert a new layer (layer 3), select it and press Ctrl + Shift + V (Paste in Place)
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Step 15
Then press 10 times the F6 key (Keyframe) on the keyboard. The result will look like the following figure
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Step 16
Then select each even keyframe (except frame 10) and press Delete (Del) key on the keyboard. Results after deleting some even keyframes:
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Step 17
Click on layer 1 and press F8 (Convert to Symbol) to convert it into a Movie Clip Symbol.
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Step 18
Then select frame 10 and press F6 (Keyframe).
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Step 19
Still on frame 10, open the Properties Panel (Ctrl + F3) and set the Color to Alpha with 40% contrast.
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Step 20
Still in the Properties Panel (Ctrl + F3), select Motion in Tween.
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Step 21
Create a new layer (layer 4)
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Step 22
Click on the first frame, open the Action Script Panel (F9) and include the following code:
stop ();
Step 23
Then click on frame 10, press F6 (Keyframe), open the Action Script Panel again (F9) and include the following code:
stop ();
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Step 24
Go back to the main scene (Scene 1), insert a new layer and name it Action .
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Step 25
Click on the first frame, in the Action Script section, enter the following code:
butt1.onRollOver = over;
butt1.onRollOut = out;
butt1.text.buttonText.text = "ABOUT US";
function over () {
this.gotoAndPlay (2);
function out () {
this.gotoAndPlay (1);
So we have created the first menu button. Repeat the above steps corresponding to each necessary button. The following are the different codes between each command button:
butt1.onRollOver = over;
butt1.onRollOut = out;
butt1.text.buttonText.text = "ABOUT US";
butt2.onRollOver = over;
butt2.onRollOut = out;
butt2.text.buttonText.text = "LOGIN";
butt3.onRollOver = over;
butt3.onRollOut = out;
butt3.text.buttonText.text = "REGISTER";
butt4.onRollOver = over;
butt4.onRollOut = out;
butt4.text.buttonText.text = "DOWNLOAD";
butt5.onRollOver = over;
butt5.onRollOut = out;
butt5.text.buttonText.text = "FAQ";
function over () {
this.gotoAndPlay (2);
function out () {
this.gotoAndPlay (1);
Haven't you done it yet? Please see the original file here.
You should read it
- Macromedia Flash - Create flash menu with sound
- Macromedia Flash - Create menu effects
- Macromedia Flash - Advanced icon in the flash menu
- Macromedia Flash - Create flash menu yourself
- Macromedia Flash - Complete Flash banner design
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