Macromedia Flash - Self-designed animated menu

This tutorial is quite complicated but we will try to explain it in the easiest way. Make sure you follow the instructions step by step.

If you don't like to choose a traditional static menu, you can apply this tutorial to give your website a suitable dynamic menu, it can bring style to a professional website. This tutorial is quite complicated but we will try to explain it in the easiest way. Make sure you follow the instructions step by step.

Step 1

Create a new 250 x 140 Flash file and Frame rate is 40fps .

Step 2

Grab the Rectangle Tool (R) and draw 5 small rectangles (or as many as you want). See the following picture

Macromedia Flash - Self-designed animated menu Picture 1Macromedia Flash - Self-designed animated menu Picture 1

Step 3

Select the Text Tool (A), go to the Properties Panel (Ctrl + F3), select Dynamic Text and create the letters that display the menu name.

Macromedia Flash - Self-designed animated menu Picture 2Macromedia Flash - Self-designed animated menu Picture 2

Macromedia Flash - Self-designed animated menu Picture 3Macromedia Flash - Self-designed animated menu Picture 3

Step 4

Select the first letter (in the example ' About us ') and press F8 on the keyboard (Convert to Symbol) to convert this text into a Movie Clip Symbol.

Macromedia Flash - Self-designed animated menu Picture 4Macromedia Flash - Self-designed animated menu Picture 4

Macromedia Flash - Self-designed animated menu Picture 5Macromedia Flash - Self-designed animated menu Picture 5

Step 5

Open the Properties Panel (Ctrl + F3) and enter butt1 . See the following picture

Macromedia Flash - Self-designed animated menu Picture 6Macromedia Flash - Self-designed animated menu Picture 6

Step 6

Double-click or right-click the newly created Movie Clip and select Edit in Place

Macromedia Flash - Self-designed animated menu Picture 7Macromedia Flash - Self-designed animated menu Picture 7

Step 7

Just select each letter (in this case ' About us '), press Ctrl + X (Cut), add a new layer above layer 1 (layer 2), select it and press Ctrl + Shift + V ( Paste in place)

Step 8

Select layer 2 (text layer) and convert it into a Movie Clip ( F8 ).

Macromedia Flash - Self-designed animated menu Picture 8Macromedia Flash - Self-designed animated menu Picture 8

Step 9

Then, open the Properties Panel (Ctrl + F3) and enter the text .

Macromedia Flash - Self-designed animated menu Picture 9Macromedia Flash - Self-designed animated menu Picture 9

Step 10

Click on frame 5 of layer 2 (text layer) and press F6 key. Then click on frame 10 and press F6 again (create Keyframe).

Macromedia Flash - Self-designed animated menu Picture 10Macromedia Flash - Self-designed animated menu Picture 10

Step 11

Go back on frame 5 and use the arrow keys on the keyboard or the mouse to move the text (in this example ' About us ') down a bit (or go horizontal if you like). See the following picture

Macromedia Flash - Self-designed animated menu Picture 11Macromedia Flash - Self-designed animated menu Picture 11

Step 12

Select layer 2 (text layer), open the Properties Panel (Ctrl + F3) and in Tween choose Motion .

Macromedia Flash - Self-designed animated menu Picture 12Macromedia Flash - Self-designed animated menu Picture 12

Macromedia Flash - Self-designed animated menu Picture 13Macromedia Flash - Self-designed animated menu Picture 13

Step 13

Back to layer 1, select only the border of the rectangle and press Ctrl + X (Cut) on the keyboard.

Macromedia Flash - Self-designed animated menu Picture 14Macromedia Flash - Self-designed animated menu Picture 14

Step 14

Insert a new layer (layer 3), select it and press Ctrl + Shift + V (Paste in Place)

Macromedia Flash - Self-designed animated menu Picture 15Macromedia Flash - Self-designed animated menu Picture 15

Step 15

Then press 10 times the F6 key (Keyframe) on the keyboard. The result will look like the following figure

Macromedia Flash - Self-designed animated menu Picture 16Macromedia Flash - Self-designed animated menu Picture 16

Step 16

Then select each even keyframe (except frame 10) and press Delete (Del) key on the keyboard. Results after deleting some even keyframes:

Macromedia Flash - Self-designed animated menu Picture 17Macromedia Flash - Self-designed animated menu Picture 17

Step 17

Click on layer 1 and press F8 (Convert to Symbol) to convert it into a Movie Clip Symbol.

Macromedia Flash - Self-designed animated menu Picture 18Macromedia Flash - Self-designed animated menu Picture 18

Step 18

Then select frame 10 and press F6 (Keyframe).

Macromedia Flash - Self-designed animated menu Picture 19Macromedia Flash - Self-designed animated menu Picture 19

Step 19

Still on frame 10, open the Properties Panel (Ctrl + F3) and set the Color to Alpha with 40% contrast.

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Step 20

Still in the Properties Panel (Ctrl + F3), select Motion in Tween.

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Step 21

Create a new layer (layer 4)

Macromedia Flash - Self-designed animated menu Picture 23Macromedia Flash - Self-designed animated menu Picture 23

Step 22

Click on the first frame, open the Action Script Panel (F9) and include the following code:

stop ();

Step 23

Then click on frame 10, press F6 (Keyframe), open the Action Script Panel again (F9) and include the following code:

stop ();

Macromedia Flash - Self-designed animated menu Picture 24Macromedia Flash - Self-designed animated menu Picture 24

Step 24

Go back to the main scene (Scene 1), insert a new layer and name it Action .

Macromedia Flash - Self-designed animated menu Picture 25Macromedia Flash - Self-designed animated menu Picture 25

Step 25

Click on the first frame, in the Action Script section, enter the following code:

butt1.onRollOver = over;
butt1.onRollOut = out;
butt1.text.buttonText.text = "ABOUT US";
function over () {
this.gotoAndPlay (2);
function out () {
this.gotoAndPlay (1);

So we have created the first menu button. Repeat the above steps corresponding to each necessary button. The following are the different codes between each command button:

butt1.onRollOver = over;
butt1.onRollOut = out;
butt1.text.buttonText.text = "ABOUT US";

butt2.onRollOver = over;
butt2.onRollOut = out;
butt2.text.buttonText.text = "LOGIN";

butt3.onRollOver = over;
butt3.onRollOut = out;
butt3.text.buttonText.text = "REGISTER";

butt4.onRollOver = over;
butt4.onRollOut = out;
butt4.text.buttonText.text = "DOWNLOAD";

butt5.onRollOver = over;
butt5.onRollOut = out;
butt5.text.buttonText.text = "FAQ";

function over () {
this.gotoAndPlay (2);

function out () {
this.gotoAndPlay (1);

Haven't you done it yet? Please see the original file here.

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