Collection of Useful Microsoft Excel Shortcuts

Excel is a spreadsheet program in the Microsoft Office suite of Microsoft software. Although it is extremely familiar to office workers, students, students ... but not everyone knows the shortcuts to help the process of using more quickly and conveniently.

Shift + Space: Select the entire row.

Ctrl + Space: Select the entire column.

Ctrl + Shift + * (asterisk): Select the entire area around the active cells.

Ctrl + a (or ctrl + Shift + spacebar): Select the entire worksheet or areas containing data.

Ctrl + Shift + Page Up: Select current and previous sheet in the same Excel file.

Shift + arrow key: Extend the selection from an active cell.

Ctrl + Shift + arrow keys: Extend the selection to the last cell in a row or column.

Shift + Page Down: Extend the selected area to the bottom of the screen.

Shift + Page Up: Extend the selected area to the top of the screen.

Shift + Home: Extend the selection to the first cell of the row.

Ctrl + Shift + Home: Extend the selection to the first cell of the worksheet.

Ctrl + Shift + End: Extend the selection to the last used cell on the worksheet (lower right corner).

F8: Turn on the feature to enlarge the selection (using additional arrow keys) without holding down the shift key.

Shift + F8: Add a (adjacent or nonadjacent) range of cells to selection. Use the arrow keys and Shift + arrow keys to add to the selection.

Enter / Shift + Enter: Move the current cell selection down / up within the currently selected area.

Tab / Shift + Tab: Move the current cell selection to the right / left in the currently selected area.

Esc: Cancels the selected area.

Shift + Arrow Left / Shift + Arrow Right: Select or deselect a character to the left / right.

Ctrl + Shift + Arrow Left / Ctrl + Shift + Arrow Right: Select or deselect a word to the left / right.

Shift + Home / Shift + End: Select from the text cursor to the beginning / to the end of the cell.

Arrow keys: Move up, down, left, or right in a worksheet.

Page Down / Page Up: Move down / up in a worksheet.

Alt + Page Down / Alt + Page Up: Move screen right / left in a worksheet.

Tab / Shift + Tab: Move one cell right / left in a worksheet.

Ctrl + arrow keys: Move to the edge cells of the data container.

Home: Move to the beginning of a row in a worksheet.

Ctrl + Home: Move to the first cell of a worksheet.

Ctrl + End: Move to the last cell containing content on a worksheet.

Ctrl + f: Display the Find and Replace dialog box (open the Search - Find item).

Ctrl + h: Display the Find and Replace dialog box (open the Replace item).

Shift + F4: Repeat the previous search.

Ctrl + g (or f5): Display the 'Go to' dialog box.

Ctrl + arrow left / Ctrl + Right arrow: Inside a cell: Move to the left / or right of the cell.

Alt + down arrow: Displays an AutoComplete list.

Ctrl + z: Undo previous action (multiple levels) - Undo.

Ctrl + y: Go to the next action (multiple levels) - Redo.

Ctrl + c: Copy the contents of the selected cell.

Ctrl + x: Cut contents of the selected cell.

Ctrl + v: Paste content from clipboard into selected cell.

Ctrl + Alt + v: If data exists in clipboard: Display the Paste Special dialog box.

F2: Edit the current cell with the mouse pointer at the end of the line.

Alt + Enter: Go down a new line in the same cell.

Enter: Complete a cell entry and move down the cell.

Shift + Enter: Complete a cell entry and move up the cell above.

Tab / Shift + Tab: Complete a cell entry and move to the right / or left cell.

Esc: Cancels the editing in a cell.

Backspace: Delete the character to the left of the text cursor, or delete the selection.

Delete: Delete the character to the right of the text cursor, or delete the selection.

Ctrl + Delete: Delete text to the end of the line.

Ctrl +; (semi-colon): Insert the current date in the cell.

Ctrl + Shift +: (colon): Insert current time.

Update 15 August 2020


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