Summary of useful keyboard shortcuts in excel
Format cells
Ctrl + 1: Display the Format dialog box.
Ctrl + B: Add or remove bold formatting.
Ctrl + I: Add or cancel italic format.
Ctrl + U: Add or remove an underline.
Ctrl + 5: Add or cancel dash formatting.
Alt + ': Display the Style dialog box.
Number format
Ctrl + Shift + $: Format currency with two decimal places.
Ctrl + Shift + ~: General number format
Ctrl + Shift +%: Format percent without decimal places.
Ctrl + Shift + #: Format dates by style: day, month and year.
Ctrl + Shift + @: Format time with hours, minutes
Ctrl + Shift +! Key: Format numbers with two decimal places and minus sign (-) for negative values.
Ctrl + Shift + ^: Format numbers with two decimal places.
F4: Repeat the selection of the last format, frozen rows and columns
Align the cell
Alt + H, A, R: Align cell to the right
Alt + H, A, C: Center the cell
Alt + H, A, L: Align cell to the left
Alt + =: Insert the AutoSum formula.
Shift + F3: Open the Insert Function dialog box.
Ctrl + A: Open input method after entering the name of the formula.
Ctrl + Shift + A: Insert arguments in a formula after entering the name of the formula.
shift + F3: Insert a function into a formula.
Ctrl + Shift + Enter: Enter a formula as an array formula.
F4: After typing a cell reference (e.g. = E3) as an absolute reference (= $ E $ 4)
F9: Calculate all worksheets in all worksheets.
Shift + F9: Calculate the active worksheet.
Ctrl + Shift + U: Switch the mode to expand or collapse the formula bar.
Ctrl + `: Switch the mode to display formulas in cells instead of values
Edit the contents of the cells
Ctrl + D: Copy content in the box above
Ctrl + R: Copy cell to the left
Ctrl + ": Copy the cell contents above and in the editing state
Ctrl + ': Copy the formula of the cell above and in the editing state.
Ctrl + -: Open menu to delete cells or rows or columns
Ctrl + Shift + +: Open the menu to insert cells or rows or columns
Shift + F2: Insert or edit a comment box
Shift + f10, then m: Delete the comment
Alt + F1: Create and insert a chart with data in the current range
F11: Create and insert a chart with data in the current range in a separate chart sheet
Ctrl + KS: Insert a link
Enter (in a cell containing the link): Activate the link.
Hide and unhide data
Ctrl + 9: Hide selected rows
Ctrl + Shift + 9: Unhide hidden rows in a selection containing that row.
Ctrl + 0 (number 0): Hide the selected column.
Ctrl + Shift + 0 (number 0): Unhide the column that is currently hidden in the selection
Alt + Shift + Right arrow: Group rows or columns.
Alt + Shift + left arrow: Un groups rows or columns.
Arrow Keys: Move up or down or left or right in a worksheet.
Page Down or Page Up: Move to the bottom of the worksheet to the top of the worksheet
Alt + Page Down or Alt + Page Up: Move the screen right or left in a worksheet.
Tab or Shift + Tab: Move a cell to the right or left in a worksheet.
Ctrl + arrow key: Move to the edge of the data area
Home: Move to the first cell of a row in a worksheet.
Ctrl + Home: Move to the first cell of a worksheet.
Ctrl + End: Move to the last cell containing content on a worksheet.
Ctrl + F: Search
Ctrl + H: Replace
Shift + F4: Repeat the previous search
Ctrl + G (or f5): Open the 'Go to' dialog box.
Ctrl + left arrow or Ctrl + Right arrow: Inside a cell: Move to the left / right cell of that cell.
Alt + down arrow: Display the AutoComplete list
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