Change the button icon on the toolbar

MS Word: The interactive interface of Microsoft Word has standardized the GUI with the system of buttons with icons that make it easy to relate to the corresponding function. However, if you want to change the default icon of these buttons with the icons, you will need to change them

MS Word: The interactive interface of Microsoft Word has standardized the GUI with the system of buttons with icons that make it easy to relate to the corresponding function. However, if you want to change the default icons of these buttons with other more beautiful icons that you enjoy, Administrator will guide you.

1. Go to Tools / Customize . (Or right-click on the button icon on the toolbar and select Customize .)

Picture 1 of Change the button icon on the toolbar

2. Show the Customize dialog box / select the Commands tab

Picture 2 of Change the button icon on the toolbar

Click the Rearrange Command button .

3. Show the Rearrange Commands dialog box

Picture 3 of Change the button icon on the toolbar

- 8 Menu Bar: Select the menu name of the toolbar
- ¡ Toolbar: Select another toolbar
- Controls: Select the button to change the icon (Here is the example to change the button's icon to click Columns - split the column, under the Format menu).
- Add: Add new tool
- Delete: Delete the tool
- Move Up / Move Down: Move the tool up / down in the menu.
- Modify Selection : Select some other fixes. Please select this button .

3. Click the Modify Selection button:

Picture 4 of Change the button icon on the toolbar

- Reset: Remove all changes, return to the default format of MS Word.
- Delete: Delete the tool
- Name: Change the name of the tool
- Copy Button Image: Copy the button image
- Paste Button Image: Paste the button image
- Reset Button Image: Remove all changes to the image of the button.
- Edit Button Image .: Edit the image of the button
- Change Button Image : Select the image to be the replacement icon for the icon of the current button .
- Default Style: Display the default format
- Text Only (Always): Only display tool letters (everywhere)
- Text Only (in Menus): Only display tool letters (in the menu)
- Image and Text: Display both images and text
- Begin a Group: Displayed in the first position of the bottom group.
- Assign Hyperlink: Set the link for the tool.

4. The results will be displayed in the toolbar: The icon of the Columns tool button has been changed

Picture 5 of Change the button icon on the toolbar

Update 24 May 2019


Mac OS X



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