Not only does it help prolong fruit preservation, this special sticker even helps fruit to be sweet, succulent and not soft.

WASP, an Italian 3D printing company, recently built a house with 3D printing technology with the main materials being mud, straw and rice husk.

A group of scientists at the Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics, of the Chinese Academy of Sciences in Liaoning, recently successfully converted cheap copper metal into a new

Surely you will feel very surprised when you see the previous shape of the objects you are using.

The Royal Society of Statistics recently published a number of statistics on 2018, including outstanding figures on the environmental and medical situation. There are good news

On January 9, the Vietnam Space Center under the Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology announced its operation plan and opened the door to welcome visitors to the Hoa Lac

Researchers from the University of British Columbia, Canada have successfully developed the first artificial human vascular system from stem cells in the laboratory. The study was

Traditional Japanese carpentry has been around for thousands of years, without using any nails or screws, Japanese artisans still produce precise products, rich motifs that make

Researchers have successfully used electric current to regulate liquid metal solutions. Turn liquid metal solution into 2D shapes like writing or a heart ...

Researchers from Massachusetts Institute of Technology Lincoln (MIT), the United States have demonstrated that lasers can transmit sound information to a specific person without

Find out how wonderful life is when a complete living organism is formed only from a single cell.

On the market today there appears a permanent cold stone being used by many users, in addition to not losing the taste of drinks, it can also be used many times, even permanently.

In which there are woods that are never bewitched, water-resistant, emitting aroma pleasant and extremely good impact.

The world's fastest camera named T-Cup is capable of rotating at 10 trillion frames per second. This speed is fast enough to capture moving light images.

This small Nordic country claims that it has no mosquitoes, the only mosquito here has been soaked in alcohol and exhibited in the National Natural History Institute.

Active volcanoes filled with lava with temperatures of about 700 ° C to 1,200 ° C. With this temperature, it can burn everything like a natural incinerator. So why don't we use

Diagnosing and treating diseases that are difficult to access are difficult tasks. However, scientists have found a way out.

After studying and studying, a robot called Bina48 passed the graduation exam and received a bachelor's degree at the University of Notre Dame de Namur (NDNU) in Belmont,

There are only a few days left to end 2017, bringing together the impressive and impressive achievements of the technology sector.

Currently, E5 gasoline is being widely circulated throughout the country. However, most people still have little interest in and understanding of this type of fuel. So what is