Successfully formulated, programmable, liquid metal fabrication that can conduct electricity
In a joint project between Swansea University and the University of Sussex, researchers have successfully used electric current to regulate liquid metal solutions. Turn liquid metal solutions into 2D shapes such as letters or a heart shape . This discovery opens up a new future for a material that can be programmed to turn into all shapes of choice.
According to the researchers, the "programmable liquid metal" material will be first applied to the boards that can be programmed, the ones that conduct electricity.
Successfully formulated, programmable, liquid metal fabrication that can conduct electricity Picture 1
Successfully formulated, programmable, liquid metal fabrication that can conduct electricity Picture 2
Liquid metal solution formed into a heart shape.
Successfully formulated, programmable, liquid metal fabrication that can conduct electricity Picture 3
Successfully formulated, programmable, liquid metal fabrication that can conduct electricity Picture 4
Under the guidance of the researchers, liquid metal formed an S-shape.
Yutaka Tokuda, a researcher at the University of Sussex, said that this new type of programming material exists in liquid form, meaning that from a drop of matter, it can turn into all shapes from simple to complex. according to the will of man.
The electric field that researchers use to control the metamorphic solution created by a computer system means that we can turn it into any shape we want.
Successfully formulated, programmable, liquid metal fabrication that can conduct electricity Picture 5
Electrically conductive liquid metal can be applied in circuit boards.
Head of INTERACT laboratory at University of Sussex, Professor Sriram Subramanian said:
"Liquid metal has good electrical conductivity, good room temperature transfer, electrically controlled surface tension. New material promises to be applied in many different areas. One of them is to create flexible and useful objects, but no existing display or robot can be achieved by using computers to transform the shape, appearance and function of material."
Maybe in the near future, we will soon see liquid metal robots that can transform Skynet's appearance into real life!
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