Apple is trying to solve a particularly serious iPhone problem

Over the past few weeks, some iPhone users have reported on social media about their alarm app not making a sound.

Apple later confirmed that it was aware of the issue, and said it was an alarming issue with the iPhone. Apple didn't offer any clues as to why the alarm didn't sound but said it was working on a fix.

Picture 1 of Apple is trying to solve a particularly serious iPhone problem

The problem related to the iPhone's alarm function not ringing at the set time makes many users feel dissatisfied, because being late for an appointment can cause bad effects for users.

It's unclear how many people are affected by this issue, or which iPhone models are affected.

Until Apple issues an official solution, users can try a few tricks to get the iPhone's alarm working again, such as checking the alarm settings and making sure that the volume of the wake-up signal is very high. .

Some users believe that the cause of the problem is the Attention Aware feature on the iPhone. When active, this feature checks whether the user is actually paying attention or not. If it detects that the user is looking at his device, it will automatically make some adjustments such as reducing the volume of alerts, including the ringer.

When the sleeping user's face was facing the iPhone screen, this feature turned off the alarm. To turn off this feature, go to Settings > Face ID & Passcode, then turn off the Attention Recognition feature.

Update 03 May 2024


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