microsoft's promise to windows 10 is always a version of the operating system running on every device.

the future they put in is cloud and artificial intelligence.

too many errors and too few patches.

let's look at the most significant changes on major windows versions that have been released over the years, and how they are still useful today.

windows 10 s is being converted into a mode, running on windows 10 home and pro instead of a separate os. what does that mean and what will it change?

do you know which programming language is hated? let's tipsmake.com refer to the statistics of the most hated programming languages in the article below!

windows is an operating system that is no longer strange to computer users today. so how much do you understand about this operating system?

december 20, 2019: windows 10 build 18305 is currently being implemented for insider users to experience it quickly with a multitude of remarkable new features.

microsoft finally realized that windows 10 users want to capture and share screens in other ways, better, easier.

bill gates is considered a great person in the technology world, who inspires many generations of young people later. in his time of leadership, with his talent, his genius

nobody can deny bill gates' imprint at microsoft in particular and in the technology world in general. but like anyone else, bill gates is not absolutely perfect. there were

today, pcs have become so familiar with our lives. there are many factors that have made the pc popular, familiar and widespread. one of them is windows, the most popular os on

with 4.312 billion users worldwide, ie equivalent to about 55.6% of the global population, the internet has been and will become a daily 'living space' for most events and

in addition to encrypting files on the system, ransomware stop strains have also started quietly installing the azorult password stealing trojan on the victim's computer to steal

intel recently announced that it has successfully overcome 20 security vulnerabilities in intel graphics driver for windows.

a new ransomware software called cr1ptt0r is built for embedded systems that target network attached storage devices (nas) that have been spread over the internet, and have the

just click the malicious link or open a website, your computer can be hacked.

digging money for encryption is a new trend in the malware world, and recently, security company 360 total security has discovered a new malware that is extremely aggressive.

another type of computer virus that exploits a security hole in the windows operating system, such as the wannacry malicious code, has spread more than 200,000 devices and helped