1. "Spam will be the past!"
This "misguided" prediction has gone down in history as one of the funniest jokes. Speaking at Davos World Economic Forum in 2004, Microsoft Chairman Bill Gates strongly predicted that: Within 2 years, the problem of spam will be paid off.
According to Gates, humans will find ways of technology and finance and invent filters strong enough to discourage spammer. " The distribution of spam will no longer bring benefits and money, so the spammer will automatically withdraw ", Gates believed.
But four years have passed, and how it actually works, we all know. The problem of spam is not only unabated but also worse.
Up to this point, those uninvited messages have accounted for more than 80% of the world's total email capacity. Every day there are billions of spam messages sent, and many spammers are living like princes thanks to this gambling job.
2. Internet
The rapid rise of the Net and the overwhelming success of the world wide web have surprised many people, including Gates.
In 1995, Gates wrote a book entitled " The Road Ahead, " mentally referring to the " New Wave entitled Net " and its potential effects. Although the subsequent reprints of the book attempted to overcome this shortcoming, it was clear that Microsoft was completely slow in the dotcom fever.
By 1998, Gates identified the Internet as the focus, the heart of all future business strategies.
But despite changes in thought and Microsoft's redirection efforts, compared to rivals Google and Yahoo, the software giant has always been considered a "lag".
Even during the official parting ceremony of Microsoft on June 27, Gates still forgot to admit that: " Not realizing the power of the Internet " is one of his biggest mistakes.
3. Security for Windows
In January 2002, Bill Gates broadcast a message called " Reliable computing ", identifying Microsoft's top priorities in the coming years. One of these is: Strengthening security and integrating user data.
Microsoft employees and engineers themselves have also attended countless training courses on software and updates for Windows operating systems.
As for foreign affairs, the software giant who does not hesitate to advertise Vista is the " safest operating system ever ".
Gates called Vista the "achievement" of the change in thinking and security strategy at Microsoft. Many technologies and innovations have been integrated into this operating system to limit the ability of cyber criminals.
But despite Microsoft's efforts, hi-tech crime still explodes as usual. Ironically, the top attack target is always a Windows-based computer.
Bill Gates' successes and 'failures' Picture 1
Source: AFP
4. Creativity
Although no one denies that Microsoft is an empire on the desktop software market, you will be hesitant to be asked: " Is Microsoft recognizing as a hub for creating products that change the world? "In fact, Microsoft is known for" massifying and disseminating "ideas, rather than conceiving themselves.
Very few "brand-new" technologies have been released from the Redmond headquarters or its worldwide research labs.
Technologies that make Microsoft successful, such as the graphical user interface, computer mouse, spreadsheet, web, web browser, audiovisual software - awkward, are all technologies devised by others.
Even when Microsoft has aggressively poured in billions of dollars each year for research, it is rare for the world to admire a certain technology "completely-new-full" from Bill Gates.
1. Leave Harvard
Bill Gates entered Harvard in 1973 at the age of 18, but never, did he complete his undergraduate program. After only two years of experience here, Gates decided . to drop out of school to start his own company: A company specializing in computer software business called Microsoft.
What makes Bill Gates so consistent and reckless?
The cumulative experience of computers, along with the appearance of microprocessor chips, led Gates to look at a new era of personal computing, where " computers will appear on every desk, in every household ".
Drop out is probably one of Gates' best decisions ever. Microsoft officially launched in 1975 and its success has changed the whole world technology district. The boss himself is equally successful financially. At least Gates is the richest man in the world for many years.
Last year, Gates enjoyed a rare honor: Get an honorary diploma from Harvard University. When he received his degree, Gates said: " I will change my job next year. It would be great if I could complete my university training program and fill it in my CV ."
2. Signing a contract with IBM
It can be said that Microsoft's early success was closely tied to the launcher named IBM. In 1981, the company signed an exclusive agreement with IBM, whereby the first generation of IBM personal computers will install the MS-DOS operating system.
At the time, IBM was like the giant Goliah, and Bill Gates' little Microsoft was like David. So Microsoft 's support for IBM helped its reputation quickly "float like alcohol".
Soon, Microsoft's operating system received orders from many other PC manufacturers. Since then, most PCs produced have been pre-installed with software provided by Microsoft. For every PC sold, Microsoft has a good deal of pocket money. And as everyone knows, Microsoft is currently the absolute dominant in the desktop software market.
3. Xbox and Xbox Live
When Bill Gates announced the Xbox project for the first time, hardly anyone dared to believe that this game machine would do anything. The opportunity to win its market share against the tough, tough Sony PlayStation rivals is too small.
" PS2 flutters like a monument, and the PS3 is about to be released. Everyone thinks Microsoft is stabbing itself into the rock, because simply, their opponents cannot be defeated ." But one of the most valuable qualities in Gates and Microsoft is consistency. Combining that spirit with huge financial potential, Microsoft has surprised the entire game industry.
The Xbox 360 triggered an unprecedented fever in the US and struggled on par with the PS3. There are even times when Xbox 360 sales surpassed the PS3. Xbox 360 is honored as the opening product for the new generation of game consoles, with processing power, graphics and "advanced from head to toe" features.
In addition to Xbox360, the Halo 3 game that Microsoft wrote specifically for Xbox also set the record for the most popular entertainment product.
4. Take the computer to every home
Gates' belief in " computers will appear on every desk, in every home " has become the "mantra" mission at Microsoft for more than three decades.
When using personal computers, people remember about Microsoft software more than thinking about hardware or devices. Windows operating system has become the identity face of almost every PC. Undoubtedly, Microsoft has helped popularize personal computers and draw users to the PC.
Today, up to 90% of desktop computers worldwide are using Windows. Is there any more worthy logo to describe the success of Microsoft and Bill Gates?