one of the questions that always appear in job interviews and often confuses candidates is 'do you want to ask any questions?'.

so, when asked the above question, how should candidates answer to impress the employers, please refer to some suggestions in the article below.

so when leaking id number, insurance book number, salary ... what dangers will you face? how we need to be secure. let's find out through the article below.

ask yourself 10 questions before the interview to gain more confidence in the article below!

sometimes a handshake, a nod or a little confidence will help you score points in the interviewer's eyes!

the basics to note about the form of the cv, how to use keywords, english verbs and many other interesting things to highlight the resume.

as a graduate student, you get a lot of advice but be smart enough to realize that not all tips are useful.

phone interviews are a form of candidate screening that many companies currently apply. if you suddenly receive an interview request in this way, don't skip the following helpful

everything is not simply about appearing and showing the best but there are also dozens of other small details that can impact (whether completely obvious or just in thinking) to

everything is not simply about appearing and showing the best but there are also dozens of other small details that can impact (whether completely obvious or just in thinking) to

technological skills are now being paid attention by many employers when looking for talent for the organization. if you have at least one of the skills listed in this list,

if you are an animal, what do you want to be? or if you were to become a superman, who would you like to be ... - these questions are all employers' psychological games.

everything is not simply about appearing and showing the best but there are also dozens of other small details that can impact (whether completely obvious or just in thinking) to

saying that i am the most suitable person for this job is one of the biggest mistakes that many candidates have.

these types of employees are called boomerangs when they have retired from work and want to get back to the organization. is recruiting them right or is it a disadvantage?

saying that the company does not have a salary for this position is an unacceptable lie of the employer.

if you want to get the attention of employers, find out carefully about the company you want to be employed, invest time to design impressive cv so that you can become more

employers only spend 6 seconds to see a cv, so how do applicants have to write a cv to be included in the list of people called to interview?

every day send cvs to dozens of companies but there are still no employers calling you, here are 9 great tactics you need to apply immediately.