6 psychological tips to help you through a job interview easily
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Having a job that is right for your field of study is the desire of many students when you graduate, but to get a job, one of us has to "work hard and shove" to interview for a job. .
Job interview is probably the most haunting thing for most students, for the first time to apply for a job, you will be clumsy, timid, stressed . don't know how to sit, how to stand, What kind of talk to lose points in the eyes of employers.
Recently on a social network Quara shared psychological tips to help you score points in the eyes of employers. Here are some good tips for you to apply when getting a job.
1. Our hands make everything
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In addition to knowledge, is the action on your body an important part, deciding the success of the interview?
At the beginning and end of an interview, a handshake is a way to increase dialogue with employers. But there is nothing worse than a handshake when it is cold and sweaty, this shows that you are very worried and timid, unsure of something.
In order to overcome this situation, it is best to go to the interview place early, go to the meeting place, find a toilet and warm it with hot water or a dryer. You can also buy a hot coffee cup and keep it in hand. Many studies show that sometimes doing so is enough to provide confidence when talking to someone else.
Another thing to note is that in the interview try to keep calm so that your limbs are not fluttering, losing points to the employer.
2. Take advantage of body language
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In the counseling room, try to catch the interviewer 's demeanor such as movements, tone of voice, gestures, breathing and the like, but don't be too obvious, this will help them see that you are having a sympathy with the other person, thereby creating trust in them.
However, be aware that what they do, you have to do the opposite: 'They scratch their nose with their left hand, you touch the face with your right hand. They sit cross-legged, you cross your legs in the opposite direction. "
After you feel confident with your body language, you can also catch up with the speaker's pace.
3. Breathe deeply, slowly, steadily
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Certainly, one of us, when we went to the interview, was also nervous, wanting a quick interview to end to get out of this state. And if you want to finish quickly, of course you will answer quickly, this unintentionally reveals your concern before the person opposite.
When interviewing, no one made you answer immediately, especially with difficult questions, take some time to think to get the best answer. This will help you reduce stress and improve your self-confidence.
4. Confident, but don't be too confident
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How can I be confident when my heart is beating fast, who shakes? Actually, any of us when we are interviewed is stressful, but they know how to hide emotions from body language.
To reduce stress, laugh a little, maintain eye contact with employers and avoid shaking your legs. That will make the interviewer feel uncomfortable with your stress.
Self-confidence is a very good thing, and everyone needs it, but don't have overconfidence to become negative, and the truth is no one wants to hire a conceit.
5. Listen and speak only when needed
Good answer to every question that employers offer is a way for employers to understand you better, when interviewing, listen to the employers' comments, don't interrupt them.
6. Observe everyone's reactions
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Employers will observe your facial expressions, you can do the same thing. Notice how they respond to the answer.
It is important to know if they are interested in what they say. If not, think about how to stop, whether you have something interesting to share.
If they feel interested in you, continue to speak loudly. Let them know who you are and why they want you to work for you.
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