there are times when you need to know the boot and shutdown history to help fix some problems, or to check if the computer is being used properly.

attending a ted (technology, entertainment and design) conference can be a potentially life changing event, as you will be able to listen, share, and interact with great thinkers

when booking your entertainment, think about your guests, the nature of your event, and your budget. you can book entertainment options like musicians, dancers, speakers, and

personal narratives focus on a particular real life event that was pivotal or important for the writer. you may have to write a personal narrative as part of a college application

google completely canceled google i / o 2020, its biggest event of the year, due to the spread of the new strain of corona virus that caused the covid-19 pandemic.

huawei has just confirmed that the launch event of its flagship smartphones p40 and p40 pro will be held online, at a global online press conference.

iphone 12 launch event may also be delayed.

this article explains how to create simple application that is shown in the figure on the right, giving its source code as well. to place buttons, text labels and other components

imovie is an application for macs that is used to create videos. an imovie project can be as simple or as complex as the amount of time and effort you wish to put into making it.