Search results: adblock plus

in the past, ads used to appear on a small portion of the website, but today ads often appear a lot, even taking up most of the site. so how to block these annoying annoying ads?

adblock and adblock plus (abp) are two of the most popular ad blockers. although the names sound very similar, these two products were developed by different companies.

in this article, i will show you where ad blocking filters can be found and how to import them into ie8.

it is true that root device is becoming less and less necessary but there are still many reasons to root the device. it adds the functionality that non-rooted devices can't have

extensions (extensions) like ginger, social fixer or adblock plus help you save time and increase efficiency when browsing the web with chrome browser.

surely every time you visit a website, you will always feel very annoying with the ads lying in the middle of the screen or a series of pop ups that pop up if you accidentally

adblock plus is a utility installed on coc coc browser, which helps users to block ads during the web surfing process, to avoid affecting the work you do.

besides fast, flexible, and user-friendly interface, google chrome also offers a lot of interesting extensions that contribute to the quality of the web experience as well as the

a recently discovered exploit can be via a list of blocking filter lists in browser extension tools including adblock plus, adblock and ublocker to create filters that can help