Print better from the web

This knowledge will help you better print with settings from the current popular web browser, Internet Explorer and Mozilla Firefox.

This knowledge will help you better print with settings from the current popular web browser, Internet Explorer and Mozilla Firefox.

Mozilla Firefox browser

After you have entered the web page containing the information you need to use to print the document, go to File > Print Preview menu. Then, by default, the print page will contain information about the title, the URL address information . On the first page, select Page Setup to set how to display the printed page (image).

In the Margins & Header / Footer section, the Margins section gives you the option to leave margins through top, bottom (bottom), right (Right) parameters. However, you should pay attention to the Headers & Footers section . There are three sections in the way shown as Left (left), Center (center), and Right (right). Depending on the display, you can select the appropriate parameter.

Internet Explorer browser

Picture 1 of Print better from the web
The trick on the Internet is a little different with Mozilla Firefox. Once you have reached the website that contains the information you need. Go to File > Print Preview menu. Next, select Alt + U.

In the Paper section, you select the paper size to use (usually A4). The Source section selects Default Tray . The Header and Footer sections you delete are blank. The Margins section lets you choose the size to leave. After setting, click OK to finish.

In some cases the website contains information that is too long and you only need to print a page or a few pages, you can use the following tip:

After waiting for the page to load the content completely. You press Ctrl + P (applies to both Mozilla Firefox and Internet Explorer). Then, for Mozilla Firefox, select the page you want to print in the Print Range section, you bookmark the Pages From section ( To the first page number) To (the last page number).

As for Internet Explorer, you select the page to print through the interval mechanism. For example, if you need to print pages 2 through 5, you can enter 2-5 content into Pages in the Page Range section .

Into rotation

Update 25 May 2019


Mac OS X



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